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Vitalii Koshura edited this page Apr 2, 2023 · 3 revisions

How to help translate BOINC

BOINC supports non-English translations of

  • The BOINC web site
  • The BOINC Manager
  • The generic (BOINC-supplied) part of project web sites
  • The generic part of the alternative Drupal website
  • The project-specific parts of some project web sites
  • Science United

Translations are done by volunteers. If you're interested in helping:

If you want to add or modify a translation:

  • Create an account on the Transifex site.
  • Subscribe to the boinc_loc email list, which is for translation-related discussion and announcements.

Selected people have been designated "coordinator" to each language.

  • If you want coordinator to a language, send email to boinc_loc requesting it.

If prefer, you can download the .po file and use an external program like poedit or Virtaal.

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