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Sending Stimuli

Maclyn Brandwein edited this page May 26, 2016 · 3 revisions

Each stimuli function is single-shot, and, if they fail on the device they're sent to, fail silently. However, messages not delivered to the API will generate an error.

Each stimuli is passed an options object, which may be empty in local mode. In server mode, it must contain an element request that's the Express request received (it looks for the user's authorization token in the user's session based on this). For both modes, object can contain intensity, a number from 1-255, callback, a function with format:

function callback(success, message){
        //It worked
    } else {
        //It didn't; useful information might be in the message.

and message, a message to include with the stimuli.

Zapping is done with pavlok.zap(opts);.

Beeping is achieved with pavlok.beep(opts);.

Vibrating is done with pavlok.vibrate(opts);.

Patterns are done with pavlok.pattern(opts);, with the special fields pattern and count in opts. pattern should be an array of strings (beep, vibrate, and zap) representing the pattern you wish to send. count is the number of times the pattern should be repeated.

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