A curated list of awesome tools, prompts and other cool nuggets for the amazing fish-shell.
To contribute, fork this repository, add your amazing nugget and send a PR.
- Fisherman - The fish-shell plugin manager.
- Oh My Fish! - The fish-shell framework.
- edc/bass - Make Bash utilities usable in fish.
- fisherman/fishtape - TAP producing test runner.
- fisherman/fnm - Node.js version manager.
- fisherman/getopts - Command line options parser.
- laughedelic/pisces - Autocloses parentheses, braces, quotes and other paired symbols.
- fisherman/shark - Sparkline generator, inspired by @holman's Spark.
- fisherman/z - Pure-fish z directory jumping.
- fisherman/metro - Powerline prompt optimized for speed and space.
- rafaelrinaldi/pure - Port of the pure ZSH prompt to Fish.
- oh-my-fish/theme-bobthefish - A Powerline-style, Git-aware fish theme optimized for awesome.