Tags: BenLubar/df-ai
# 0.47.05-r1 - Disabling the camera now remembers what unit or item you were following. - Fixed a crash related to lockstep mode on Windows. - If the manager does not have an office, chairs will be queued directly at the workshop. - Manager orders are no longer queued for tiny changes in amount. - Outdoor gathering zones are now hidden from view. - Sheriff will not be assigned until there is a jail. - The AI buys animals from traders. - The AI can free caged citizens and pets using a lever. - The AI prioritizes important jobs, like preparing food or drinks when stocks are low. ## Military - Added the ability to craft wooden ammo. - Squad orders to attack enemies who have left the map are now cancelled. - The AI no longer attacks non-hostile undead. - The AI will now make weapons if there are not enough picks but also no metal to make picks with. ## Floor Plan - Added an area at the start of the fortress with some necessities to reduce startup time. - Added cage traps to the fortress entrance. - Fixed a case where irrigating a farm plot would never stop. - Fixed miners waiting for trees to be cut down in pastures. - Fixed nest boxes not being built. Fertile eggs in nest boxes are automatically forbidden. - Improved pathfinding for mining and cavern outposts. The AI now builds a small structure to start these projects. - Optimized stockpile configuration to take fewer button presses. - Removed dining halls from the blueprint. Dwarves now eat at the tavern. - Reorganized construction priorities in the generic01 plan. - Rooms are now ordered by distance from the fortress entrance. - Rooms can now count as multiple other rooms, such as the new dormitory room. - Rooms with a required value are now monitored and decorated. - Staircases are now simplified to only go in one direction if there is nothing on the other side.
- Error messages are now more likely to contain the correct line number. - Fixed an error that would occur when abandoning before embark. - If an expected screen is not present, the AI will pause until it is, to avoid crashing. User input may be required in the case of such bugs. - Fixed a stall while attempting to draft dwarves into the military when the entire government is dead. - Required room value is now tracked. - Petitions for guildhalls and temples can now be accepted. - Stockpiles and activity zones are now built using the UI. - Improvements to pastures: - The AI will no longer attempt to floor over saplings. - Pastures can now be constructed before shrubs are removed. - Added some safeguards against animals being butchered if a pasture is not quite ready. - Improved readability in the weblegends blueprint. - Fixed some corridors in the generic01 plan missing a staircase. - Reduced the number of staircases generated by generic01. - Unused corridors are now removed after the blueprint is generated. - Added the ability for room instances to blacklist certain templates. - Removed legacy blueprint and legacy layout generation code.
Fix compatibility with DFHack/df-structures@c189fe2.