Simulations with different SNR (5,10,20,30) using MRXCAT [1] version v1.4 and the breathhold phantom. Code is in code/mrxcat_simulations and simulation results in data/mrxcat_simulations. The simulations were performed with Matlab version R2021b. Simulation results have to be converted from the cpx format to the nifti format for further analysis. Steps include:
- .cpx to .csv convertion
- .csv to .nifti convertion The masks were then extracted from the breathhold phantom used for the simulation in MRXCAT.
- Wissmann, L., Santelli, C., Segars, W.P. et al. MRXCAT: Realistic numerical phantoms for cardiovascular magnetic resonance. J Cardiovasc Magn Reson 16, 63 (2014).