DATE: 2022_02
PROTEIN_ASSIGNER is the new Module for CNIC Adaptors.
The REPORT module can retrieve the X'inf and Winf from the _lowerNormW files.
Changes in the Graphical User Interface
We have included more details in the short description for the SBT module and RATIOS module.
Create general adaptors for the search engines: Proteome Discoverer, MSFragger, Comet and MaxQuant.
Fixing a minor problem loading the adaptors.
PROTEIN_ASSIGNER is the new Module for CNIC Adaptors.
Changes in the Code Workflow
Minor changes: changes the descrioption of ratios command.
Now, the modules of adaptors are independent.
TABLE2CFG: fixing a problem with the unique function. We want the unique list bbut without sort.
General Adaptors for Proteome Discoverer, MSFragger, Comet, and MaxQuant:
- These adaptors only create the columns: Experiment, Scan_Id, and Peptide_Id.
- The calculation of Peptide_Id is without the DeltaMass forgetting the unimod file.
CNIC Specific Adaptors:
- These adaptors have the FDR calculation including the cXCorr (for PD).
- There is a new Module for CNIC Adaptors: ProteinAssigner
KLIBRATE: When the number of cycles in calibrate is exceeded, we can use k=600, var=0.04 by default. This is based on the values from PESA project:
- Bug fixed: the program does not retrieve the Xsup value.
- The program can retrieve the X'inf and Winf from the _lowerNormW files.