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nf-PTM-compass is a Nextflow pipeline that enhances the identification and quantification of Post-Translational Modifications (PTMs).

nf-PTM-compass was developed by the Cardiovascular Proteomics Lab/Proteomic Unit at The National Centre for Cardiovascular Research (CNIC,

This application is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0) License. For further details, read the



Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • A Linux operating system is needed on your machine.

Linux operating system on Windows

If you are using a Windows operating system, refer to the section Install WSL on Windows to set up a Linux operating system on your Windows machine.

Install Singularity

For more information, read the How to install Singularity section.

Install Nextflow

For more information, read the How to install Nextflow section.

Install Git

For more information, read the How to install Git section.

Download the pipeline with the latest release

Export an environment variable to define the version:


Note: The list of releases is located on the releases page.

You can clone the latest release directly using git with the following command:

git clone --branch ${PIPELINE_VERSION} --recursive

With the --recursive parameter, the submodules repositories are cloned as well.

Download Singularity images

Export an environment variable to define the version of singularity image:

export IMAGE_VERSION=0.1.4

Note: The list of releases is located on the singularity repository page.

Navigate to the backends folder:

cd nf-PTM-compass/backends

You need to download the Singularity image for the pipeline, ensuring version compatibility with the Nextflow pipeline. See the above versions section:

singularity pull --arch amd64 library://proteomicscnic/next-launcher/ptm-compass:${IMAGE_VERSION}

You might see warning messages like the following. You can discard or ignore them:

WARNING: failed to get key material: 404 Not Found: entity not found
WARNING: integrity: signature object 5 not valid: openpgp: signature made by unknown entity
WARNING: Skipping container verification

Create a symbolic link

ln -s ptm-compass_${IMAGE_VERSION}.sif ptm-compass.sif


Execute the pipeline with samples

  1. Download sample files
cd samples && \
wget -O && \
unzip && \
cd ..
  1. Execute the pipeline using MSFragger results as input:
nextflow \
    -log "/tmp/nextflow/log/nf-ptm-compass.log" \
    run   \
        -profile singularity \
        --msf_files "samples/heteroplasmic_muscle/inputs/msfragger/*.tsv" \
        --exp_table "samples/heteroplasmic_muscle/inputs/experimental_table.tsv" \
        --database "samples/heteroplasmic_muscle/inputs/database.fasta" \
        --decoy_prefix "DECOY_"\
        --params_file "samples/heteroplasmic_muscle/inputs/params.ini" \
        --sitelist_file "samples/heteroplasmic_muscle/inputs/site_solver_list.txt" \
        --groupmaker_file "samples/heteroplasmic_muscle/inputs/group_maker_list.txt" \
        --outdir  "samples/heteroplasmic_muscle/results" \

Image Version History

For more information about the program version included within the Singularity version, refer to the changelog for the current version.