For lab this week, you'll begin creating your own class for a singly linked list. You must implement the classes as shown below, defining the member functions listed. The Big 3 must also be implemented as appropriate.
class Node {
int val; // the value that this node stores
Node *next; // a pointer to the next node in the list
class Linked_List {
unsigned int length; // the number of nodes contained in the list
Node *head; // a pointer to the first node in the list
int get_length();
void print(); // output a list of all integers contained within the list
void clear(); // delete the entire list (remove all nodes and reset length to 0)
unsigned int push_front(int); // insert a new value at the front of the list (returns the new length of the list)
unsigned int push_back(int); // insert a new value at the back of the list (returns the new length of the list)
Each of the Linked List member functions listed is worth 3 points towards the lab grade.
In addition to your linkedlist.cpp/.h, create a new file called test.cpp. In this file, write a simple main() function that instantiates a Linked List object, pushes some values onto it, and prints the list out.