In Windows
- Locate the project root directory, whose path ends with
. - Type
javac -cp .\lib\*;.\src\main\java -Xlint:none -d .\bin .\src\main\java\simulator\Simulator.java
and press enter to compile the code. - Then, type
java -classpath .\lib\*;.\bin simulator.Simulator
and press enter to run the program.
- Locate the project root directory, whose path ends with
In Unix
- Locate the project root directory, whose path ends with
. - Type
javac -cp ./lib/*:./src/main/java -Xlint:none -d ./bin ./src/main/java/simulator/Simulator.java
and press enter to compile the code. - Then, type
java -classpath ./lib/*:./bin simulator.Simulator
and press enter to run the program.
- Locate the project root directory, whose path ends with
If the setup is correct, you will see the program pop up in a window.
The environment:
- Physically will be 200cm x 200cm
- Grid is represented with a 20x20 grid of cells
- Each cell represents 10cm x 10cm
The "robot" model:
- Will be modeled as a 3x3 on the grid
- Physical size is closer to a 2x2 size on the grid (20cm x 21cm)
- Turning radius:
- The documents provided gives it as around 25cm turning radius
The "obstacle" model:
- Physical size is identical to size on grid (1x1) (10cm x 10cm)