This is an ansible repository for deployment of Caliopen infrastructure.
Deployment is done using ansible playbooks.
2 types of deployments are possibles:
- single machine deployment
- 2 distincts machines set, one for web application another for backend services
if ansible is not installed on your system:
- make a virtualenv, activate it
- pip -r requirements.txt
- Edit certificates information using your own (rsa key are crypted inside this repository they will not work for you)
rm roles/web/files/certs/*
# generate a new key and csr
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 \
-keyout roles/web/files/certs/caliopen.key \
-out roles/web/files/certs/caliopen.crt
# generate the certificate using [CaCert]( for example
# and set this certificate as roles/web/file/certs/caliopen.crt file
Edit a hosts file with a webservers and backends groups and reachable address of related machines
Edit a group_vars/backends file using backend.tmpl template
Edit a group_var/webservers file using webservers.tmpl template
Edit a host_vars/<machine_name> for all of your machines using relatedtemplate switch machine role
For deployment on a single machine, make the machine appear in both webservers and backends groups
Set the private_ip_address in host_vars/<machine_name> to
For deployment on 2 distincts groups of machines, make sure you can have a private network usable on eth1 interface for your machines. This kind of
ansible-playbook -i hosts single.yaml
ansible-playbook -i hosts backends.yaml
ansible-playbook -i hosts webservers.yaml
There's some special tasks for development (actually there is one that will generate a self-signed cert for you).
You can activate it with following configuration:
#file: group_vars/webservers
is_dev_env: true
Hence deployment is done, you can play with the caliopen cli command on the webservers machines. You have to activate the python virtualenv for that.
su - caliopen
source /var/projects/caliopen/env/bin/activate