Releases: CanDIG/federation_service
Releases · CanDIG/federation_service
v2.3.0: CanDIG-authorized users
- Updated to flask3/connexion3/uvicorn/aiohttp
- CanDIG-authorized users
What's Changed
- Hotfix: catch a few NoneType exceptions by @daisieh in #81
- Stable candidate v2.3.0 by @SonQBChau in #85
New Contributors
- @SonQBChau made their first contribution in #85
Full Changelog: v2.2.0...v2.3.0
v2.2.0: Performance fixes
Mostly performance fixes and some auth updates.
What's Changed
- Stable update v1.1.0: Ingest and Query Microservice by @OrdiNeu in #41
- v2.0.0: Dependency updates, authx updates by @daisieh in #51
- v2.1.0: Internal GitHub action by @OrdiNeu in #53
- v2.1.1: Tiny fixes by @daisieh in #56
- DIG-1664: Do not log service-info (prevent health check flooding) by @OrdiNeu in #57
- Don't pass in OPA_SECRET anymore by @daisieh in #59
- DIG-979: Move federation config to Vault service store by @daisieh in #60
- Pick up hotfix from UHN prod by @daisieh in #61
- Replace 'single quote' in PR titles by @mshadbolt in #62
- DIG-1719: switch to candigv2-logging module by @daisieh in #64
- Add the ability to send requests with "safe" checking, exiting early if the service info cannot be quickly communicated with by @OrdiNeu in #63
- Allow a greater number of worker threads, with a low default by @OrdiNeu in #65
- Set safe checking to be ON by default, and turned off with the Unsafe flag by @OrdiNeu in #66
- Bump flask-cors from 4.0.1 to 5.0.0 by @dependabot in #67
- DIG-1759: switch to gunicorn by @daisieh in #68
- DIG-1710: switch from Travis to GitHub Actions by @daisieh in #69
- v2.2.0: Performance fixes by @daisieh in #70
- hotfix: hardcode /federation into server urls by @daisieh in #71
- hotfixes by @daisieh in #72
- Don't allow a failing server to interrupt the entire heartbeat by @OrdiNeu in #73
- hotfix by @daisieh in #74
- Hotfix: respawn heartbeat, don't check your own heartbeat by @daisieh in #75
- merge hotfix by @daisieh in #76
- hotfix: better error handling if a server fails to register by @daisieh in #77
- Hotfix: error handling by @daisieh in #78
- hotfix: should log exception by @daisieh in #79
- hotfix: merging #79 by @daisieh in #80
Full Changelog: v2.1.1...v2.2.0
v2.1.1 tiny changes
- Update default timeout
- Bump authx version
What's Changed
- Set the default timeout for Federation requests to 60s by @OrdiNeu in #54
- update authx (placeholder) by @daisieh in #55
Full Changelog: v2.1.0...v2.1.1
v2.1.0: Internal GitHub action
What's Changed
- DIG-1376 :Update GH Action to improve PR title and description by @mshadbolt in #52
New Contributors
- @mshadbolt made their first contribution in #52
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.1.0
v2.0.0: Dependency updates, authx updates
What's Changed
- Bump uwsgi from 2.0.21 to 2.0.22 by @dependabot in #39
- [Snyk] Security upgrade flask from 2.2.2 to 2.2.5 by @daisieh in #43
- DIG-1149: Update for Alpine-3.18 by @daisieh in #45
- DIG-1377: Be consistent in our use of candig user inside containers by @OrdiNeu in #44
- DIG-1144: Update Python to 3.12 by @daisieh in #46
- Update authx to v2.0.0 by @daisieh in #47
- DIG-1409: Fix docker health checks by @lilyyangyi301 in #48
- Revert " DIG-1409: Fix docker health checks " by @OrdiNeu in #49
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #39
- @lilyyangyi301 made their first contribution in #48
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v2.0.0
v1.1.0: Ingest and query microservices
- Support for the introduction of the ingest and query microservices
What's Changed
- PR dispatch for CanDIGv2 (DIG-1230) by @justin-ys in #38
- DIG-1240: API middleware service to handle queries across federated instances by @OrdiNeu in #40
New Contributors
- @justin-ys made their first contribution in #38
- @OrdiNeu made their first contribution in #40
Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v1.1.0
v1.0.1: add license
What's Changed
- change license to lgpl-3 by @kcranston in #37
New Contributors
- @kcranston made their first contribution in #37
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.0.1