Start-RobustCloudCommand is published to the PowershellGallery and should be installed from there.
Install-Module -Name RobustCloudCommand
If the client doesn't have access to the internet directly then:
- Download the module from
- Extract the Zip file to a known location
- From powershell in the extracted path run
Import-Module robustcloudcommand.psd1
- Change to a different directory than the one with the psd1 file
Generic wrapper script that tries to ensure that a script block successfully finishes execution in O365 against a large object count.
Works well with intense operations that may cause throttling
Wrapper script that tries to ensure that a script block successfully finishes execution in O365 against a large object count.
It accomplishes this by doing the following:
- Monitors the health of the Remote powershell session and restarts it as needed.
- Restarts the session every X number seconds to ensure a valid connection.
- Attempts to work past session related errors and will skip objects that it can't process.
- Attempts to calculate throttle exhaustion and sleep a sufficient time to allow throttle recovery
Switch | Description | Default |
AutomaticThrottle | Value used to calculate time needed for throttle recovery | 0.25 |
IdentifyingProperty | Property on recipient objects to identity the object in the log | "DisplayName","Name","Identity", "PrimarySMTPAddress","Alias","GUID" |
LogFile | Location and name of logfile | NA |
ManualThrottle | Set number of seconds to delay between loops | None |
NonInteractive | Suppresses screen output | False |
Recipients | Collection of Objects to operate on | NA |
ResetSeconds | Number of seconds between session rebuild | 870 |
ScriptBlock | Operation to run on provided objects | NA |
UserPrincipalName | UPN of the user that will be connecting to Exchange online. | NA |
Creates the log file specified in -logfile. Contains a record of all actions taken by the script.
invoke-command -scriptblock {Get-mailbox -resultsize unlimited | select-object -property Displayname,PrimarySMTPAddress,Identity} -session (get-pssession) | export-csv c:\temp\mbx.csv
$mbx = import-csv c:\temp\mbx.csv
$cred = get-Credential
.\Start-RobustCloudCommand.ps1 -Credential $cred -recipients $mbx -logfile C:\temp\out.log -ScriptBlock {Set-Clutter -identity $input.PrimarySMTPAddress.tostring() -enable:$false}
Gets all mailboxes from the service returning only Displayname,Identity, and PrimarySMTPAddress. Exports the results to a CSV Imports the CSV into a variable Gets your O365 Credential Executes the script setting clutter to off using Legacy Credentials
invoke-command -scriptblock {Get-mailbox -resultsize unlimited | select-object -property Displayname,PrimarySMTPAddress,Identity} -session (get-pssession) | export-csv c:\temp\recipients.csv
$recipients = import-csv c:\temp\recipients.csv
Start-RobustCloudCommand -recipients $recipients -logfile C:\temp\out.log -ScriptBlock {Get-MobileDeviceStatistics -mailbox $input.PrimarySMTPAddress.tostring() | Select-Object -Property @{Name = "PrimarySMTPAddress";Expression={$input.PrimarySMTPAddress.tostring()}},DeviceType,LastSuccessSync,FirstSyncTime | Export-Csv c:\temp\stats.csv -Append }
Gets All Recipients and exports them to a CSV (for restart ability) Imports the CSV into a variable Executes the script to gather EAS Device statistics and output them to a csv file using ADAL with support for MFA