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The Simumaltion Parameters

CharafeddineMechalikh edited this page Nov 7, 2019 · 3 revisions

The Simumaltion Parameters

The simulation parameters can be found under the settings/ folder, in the file. Below is a description of the available parameters:

Parameter Type Options/Range Description
simulation_time Integer >= 1 The simulation duration (in minutes)
initialization_time Integer >= 0 The time needed to generate all resources, which means that the tasks offloading process starts affter it
parallel_simulation Boolean true or false Enable or disable parallel simulations
update_interval Double >= 0.01 The interval between simulation environment events (in seconds)
pause_length Integer >= 0 The pause between iterations (in real seconds)
display_real_time_charts Boolean true or false To display or not the simulation results in real time
auto_close_real_time_charts Boolean true or false Auto close real time charts after the end of iteration
charts_update_interval Double >= 0.01 Interval of refreshing real time charts (in seconds)
save_charts Boolean true or false Whether to save charts in .png format or not
wait_for_all_tasks Boolean true or false Wait until all tasks get executed or stop the simulation on time (when the simulation time set by the user finishes)
save_log_file Boolean true or false Whether to save the log file or not
clear_output_folder Boolean true or false Delete the output folder at the beginning of each simulation
deep_log_enabled Boolean true or false Enable or disable deep logging
  • The Location Manager (mobility model) parameters:
Parameter Type Options/Range Description
length Integer >= 1 The simulation area length (in meters)
width Integer >= 1 The simulation area width (in meters)
Edge_range Integer >= 1 The range of Edge devices (in meters)
Fog_coverage Integer >= 1 The raius of the area covered by each Fog server (in meters)
speed Double >= 0 The speed of mobile devices in meters/seconds) (0= disabled)
  • The Server Manager settings:
Parameter Type Options/Range Description
min_number_of_Edge_devices Integer >= 1 The number of Edge devices at the beginning of the simulation
max_number_of_Edge_devices Integer >= 1 The number of Edge devices at the end of the simulation
Edge_device_counter_size Integer >= 1 The growing rate in the number of devices in each iteration
  • The Network Model settings:
Parameter Type Options/Range Description
wlan_bandwidth Integer >= 1 The local area network bandwidth (in Mbps)
wan_bandwidth Integer >= 1 The backhaul network bandwidth (in Mbps)
wan_propogation_delay Double >= 0 The propagation delay (when sending data/tasks to the Cloud) (in seconds)
network_update_interval Double >= 0.01 The network model refresh interval (in seconds)
  • The Tasks Orchestration settings:
Parameter Type Options/Range Description
enable_registry Boolean true or false Enabling it means that before executing a task, a container will be pulled from the registry/Cloud
enable_orchestrators Boolean true or false Enabling this means that the task/offloading request will be sent to the specifed/ nearest orchestrator. Disabling this means that each device will orchestrate its owb tasks.
deploy_orchestrator Boolean Cloud or Fog To deploy the orchestrator on the Cloud, Fog, or any custom location (e.g. cluster heads, the user in this case need to implement his clustering algorithm)
applications_CPU_allocation_policy Boolean SPACE_SHARED or TIME_SHARED Time shared means that the tasks can be executed in same virtual machine at simae time (however this increases the simulation duration). Space shared means that the tasks are executed one after the otherby a virtual machine
tasks_generation_rate Integer >= 1 The number of tasks generated by each device every minute
orchestration_architectures Boolean Cloud_ONLY, Fog_AND_Cloud,.... The computing paradigms that are used
orchestration_algorithms Boolean (any algorithm name) The algorithm used by the orchestrator to find the offloading destination
  • The Energy Model parameters:
Parameter Type Options/Range Description
consumed_energy_per_bit Double >= 0 The enregy consumed when transferring 1 bit (in wh)
amplifier_dissipation_free_space Double >= 0 The energy consumed by the amplifier in free space channel (in wh)
amplifier_dissipation_multipath Double >= 0 The energy consumed by the amplifier in multipath channel (in wh)

Learn more on how to increase the simulation accuracy, or how to decrease the simulation time from here:

How to Reduce the Simulation Time