The tool that allows you to generate a static HTML site from different structured parts.
npm install -g htmc-cli@latest
npx htmc init
In the current folder will be generated the initial file structure below:
- src/index.html
- src/style.css
- src/public/favicon.ico
- src/app/content/content.html
- src/app/content/content.css
Then you can run: npx htmc compile
. It will compile this app into dist folder.
You can use http-server to run this app:
npm install -g http-server
npx http-server dist
htmc init
htmc compile
-h, --help Prints CLI usage,
compile options:
-i, --input Input file.
Defaults to "src/index.html"
-o, --output Output directory.
Defaults to "dist"
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.