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City of Helsinki land lease system


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City of Helsinki land lease system

Development with development container (devcontainer)

Code editors (e.g. VSCode, Pycharm) that support devcontainer spec should be able to build and run your development environment from .devcontainer, either locally or remotely. See:

The devcontainer setup will build and run containers for the database and django. Integrated to the editor you gain access to the shell within the django container, running code with debugger or run tests in debugging mode should work without much hassle.

Development with Docker

If using Apple M1/M2 chip (or equivalent), you need to add platform: linux/amd64 to django service in docker-compose.yml file.

  1. Run docker-compose up

  2. Run migrations if needed (if you have sanitized.sql file then skip 2. and 3. Continue to "Settings for development environment"):

    • docker exec mvj python migrate
  3. Create superuser if needed:

    • docker exec -it mvj python createsuperuser

The project is now running at localhost:8000.

Known issues:

  • runserver_plus not found/not working: replace command: python runserver_plus 0:8000 with command: python runserver 0:8000 command in docker-compose.yml.

Settings for development environment

cd mvj
# copy sanitized.sql to root
docker-compose exec django bash
psql -h postgres -U mvj -d mvj < sanitized.sql
docker-compose exec django python migrate
docker-compose exec django python createsuperuser #(github email)
  • Create TEST groups by:
python copy_groups_and_service_unit_mappings
  • Add "TEST Pääkäyttäjä" -group to created user at Django admin.

Development without Docker

Install required system packages

PostgreSQL and PostGIS

Install PostgreSQL and PostGIS.

# Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install python3-dev libpq-dev postgresql postgis

GeoDjango extra packages

# Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install binutils libproj-dev gdal-bin

Creating a Python virtualenv

Create a Python 3 virtualenv either using the venv tool.

python3 -m venv /path/to/venv

Activate virtualenv

python3 venv/bin/activate

Creating Python requirements files

  • Run pip install pip-tools
  • Run pip-compile
  • Run pip-compile

Updating Python requirements files

  • Run pip-compile --upgrade
  • Run pip-compile --upgrade

Installing Python requirements

  • Run pip install -r requirements.txt
  • For development also run pip install -r requirements-dev.txt


To setup a database compatible with the default database settings:

Create user and database

sudo -u postgres createuser -P -R -S mvj  # use password `mvj`
sudo -u postgres createdb -O mvj mvj

Enable PostGIS

sudo -u postgres psql -d "mvj" -c "CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS postgis;"

Allow the mvj user to create databases when running tests

sudo -u postgres psql -d "mvj" -c "ALTER USER mvj CREATEDB;"

Tests also require that PostGIS extension is installed on the test database. This can be achieved the easiest by adding PostGIS extension to the default template which is then used when the test databases are created:

sudo -u postgres psql -d template1 -c "CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS postgis;"

Django configuration

Environment variables are used to customize configuration in mvj/ If you wish to override any settings, you can place them in a local .env file which will automatically be sourced when Django imports the settings file.

Alternatively you can create a which is executed at the end of the mvj/ in the same context so that the variables defined in the settings are available.


The "idc_attachments"-folder under the media root must be excluded when serving media files. The files are protected by permission checks on a different URL.

Running development environment

  • Enable debug echo 'DEBUG=True' >> .env
  • Run python migrate
  • Run python loaddata */fixtures/*.json
  • Run python runserver

Running tests

  • Run pytest

Update translation files

  • Run python app_makemessages --locale fi
  • Run python app_makemessages --locale sv
  • Run python compilemessages

Management commands

There are multiple management commands that are required to run. Either when first installing the software or regularly.

Install time commands


Sets permitted groups for each report type.


Sets the default model specific permissions (view, add, change, delete) to the pre-defined groups for the leasing models.


Sets field specific permissions (view, change) to the pre-defined groups.


Sets the default mappings for AD groups to user groups.


Sets the default user group to Service unit mappings. Creates a group for the Service unit if a group doesn't exist already. The service_unit.json fixture has to be loaded into the database before running this command.


Adds the default lessor contacts for all the Service units. The service_unit.json fixture has to be loaded into the database before running this command.


Adds the default receivable types for all the Service units. The service_unit.json should be loaded into the database before running this command.


Creates FileScanStatus objects for all uploaded files that require a virus scan in order to be downloaded.

Only needs to be run once per environment if there are historical uploaded files that were uploaded before virus scanning was added to the system. Afterwards, run enqueue_scan_for_pending.


Enqueues an asynchronous virus scan for all FileScanStatus objects whose result is Pending, or Error. After the async jobs complete, infected files have been deleted, and safe files can be downloaded.

Only needs to be run if there are FileScanStatus objects that have not yet been successfully scanned by the file scanning service. This means that the command also retries all filescans that resulted in an error previously. Before this one, run create_filescanstatus_for_missing_files.

Regularly run commands


Creates invoices for rents that are due in the next month.

Should be run on the first day of every month


Sends unsent invoices to Laske SAP for invoicing.

Should be run every night


Imports index from

Should be run monthly after update day


Imports reference interest rates from the Bank of Finland.

Should be run after the Bank of Finland releases new rates


Creates credit notes or invoices if index number has changed after the invoices are sent.

Should be run once a year after the previous years index has been released


Imports leasehold transfers from National Land Survey of Finland (Maanmittauslaitos).

Should be run every week

Development commands

No need to run.





Other useful information

Resend Invoices

You can resend the failed invoices in Django admin Invoices view by selecting the invoices and chosing Resend invoice action from dropdown.

Virre integration

Virre integration requires certificates to be installed to servers. Current certificates are installed using following commands.

cd /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/virre # Create folder, if it doesn't exist.
sudo touch virre_intermediate.crt
sudo touch virre_root.crt
sudo touch virre_server_certificate.crt
* Copy-paste content from the files provided to you to the files you just created.
sudo update-ca-certificates # This is the actual command that registers certificates.

Backup database

Most important thing to remember when making a backup is to sanitize the data, when needed. Usually we need to take dump from the database only for the development/testing purposes so normally you should sanitize the data. We are using Django sanitized dump for sanitizing data so check the most recent instructions from the vendor.

When running backup for the staging/testing/development purposes, you should exclude few tables to limit the size of the backup. So remember to add --exclude-table-data 'public.auditlog_logentry' --exclude-table-data 'public.batchrun_jobrunlog*' --exclude-table-data 'public.django_q_task' to pg_dump command.

pg_dump mvj_api_prod | gzip > mvj-api-prod_$(date +%Y%m%d%H%m).sql.gz

To restore dump run psql -f mvj-api-prod-DATE_HERE.sql ${DATABASE_URL/postgis/postgres}.

Token authentication

For machine-to-machine integration Django REST Framework's token based authentication is in use. To create token for the user you need to run python drf_create_token <username> command. If you need to renew token, then you need to append -r option to the command. To make things secure robot user should not have password set (aka cannot log in with browser) and it should only have access to the certain API endpoint and nothing else.

From client perspective token is sent in HTTP headers (Authorization header) with Token keyword. As an example Authorization: Token abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890.

Virus scanning

All uploaded files are scanned for viruses by using an external file scanning service, currently ClamAV Antivirus API service on Platta. The app file_operations is responsible for orchestrating the scans.

In models, file scanning can be added through FileScanMixin. In viewsets, file downloads can be restricted to only safe files through FileDownloadMixin or any other mixin that calls this mixin in their download method, such as FileMixin.

See the following management commands how to batch process historical uploaded files:

  • create_filescanstatus_for_missing_files
  • enqueue_scan_for_pending

Generate email reports locally into files

Some reports are not generated in the UI, but emailed to the user instead. This is replaced in the local development environment by generating the emails in the local file system instead. There are example configurations for this in the

To generate the email files, you must first start the qcluster:

python qcluster

Now the emails can be created as .log files in the given EMAIL_FILE_PATH. Change the file extension into .eml to open the email in an email application.