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In game Content 1.18.1

CleverNucleus edited this page Feb 7, 2022 · 9 revisions


PlayerEx adds some attributes to the game. By default these attributes are only present on the player, but attributes with the Applicable Entity of type LivingEntity can be attached to any living entity with datapacks - see Data Attributes.

New Attributes

Attribute Registry Key Applicable Entity Stacking Behaviour Description
Evasion playerex:evasion LivingEntity DIMINISHING The chance to dodge projectiles.
Lifesteal playerex:lifesteal LivingEntity DIMINISHING A percentage of melee and ranged damage dealt is healed.
Health Regeneration playerex:health_regeneration LivingEntity DIMINISHING Health passively healed every second.
Heal Amplification playerex:heal_amplification LivingEntity DIMINISHING All healing is amplified by this amount.
Melee Crit Damage playerex:melee_crit_damage PlayerEntity DIMINISHING Attack damage is multiplied by this amount on a melee critical hit.
Melee Crit Chance playerex:melee_crit_chance PlayerEntity DIMINISHING The chance for a melee attack to be a critical hit.
Ranged Crit Damage playerex:ranged_crit_damage LivingEntity DIMINISHING Projectile damage is multiplied by this amount on a ranged critical hit.
Ranged Crit Chance playerex:ranged_crit_chance LivingEntity DIMINISHING The chance for a projectile fired to result in a critical hit.
Ranged Bonus Damage playerex:ranged_damage LivingEntity FLAT Damage added to projectile base damage.
Fire Resistance playerex:fire_resistance LivingEntity DIMINISHING Reduces fire damage by the amount (100% is immunity).
Freeze Resistance playerex:freeze_resistance LivingEntity DIMINISHING Reduces freeze damage by the amount (100% is immunity).
Lightning Resistance playerex:lightning_resistance LivingEntity DIMINISHING Reduces lightning damage by the amount (100% is immunity).
Poison Resistance playerex:poison_resistance LivingEntity DIMINISHING Reduces poison damage by the amount (100% is immunity).
Wither Resistance playerex:wither_resistance LivingEntity DIMINISHING Reduces wither damage by the amount (100% is immunity).
Breaking Speed playerex:breaking_speed PlayerEntity FLAT Defines the base block breaking speed.
Level playerex:level LivingEntity FLAT An RPG like level value attribute; does nothing.
Constitution playerex:constitution LivingEntity FLAT An RPG like stat value used to increase other attributes:
+1 Max Health
+0.1 Knockback Resistance
+0.1 Poison Resistance
Strength playerex:strength LivingEntity FLAT An RPG like stat value used to increase other attributes:
+0.25 Melee Attack Damage
+0.5 Armor
+0.01 Health Regeneration/s
Dexterity playerex:dexterity LivingEntity FLAT An RPG like stat value used to increase other attributes:
+0.1 Attack Speed
+0.25 Ranged Damage
+5% Melee Crit Damage
+0.1 Lightning Resistance
Intelligence playerex:intelligence LivingEntity FLAT An RPG like stat value used to increase other attributes:
+2% Heal Amplification
+5% Ranged Crit Damage
+0.1 Wither Resistance
Luckiness playerex:luckiness LivingEntity FLAT An RPG like stat value used to increase other attributes:
+0.1 Luck
+2% Evasion
+2% Melee Crit Chance
+2% Ranged Crit Chance

PlayerEx also changes some vanilla attributes:

Modified Vanilla Attributes

Attribute Registry Key Modification
Armor minecraft:generic.armor Increased max value from 30 to Integer.MAX_VALUE.
Armor Toughness minecraft:generic.armor_toughness Increased max value from 20 to Integer.MAX_VALUE.
Knockback Resistance minecraft:generic.knockback_resistance Changed stacking behaviour from FLAT (default) to DIMINISHING.
Max Health minecraft:generic.max_health Increased max value from 1024 to Integer.MAX_VALUE.


PlayerEx adds tabs to the survival inventory that let the player navigate between their inventory, attributes screen and combat attributes screen. These latter screens allow the player to view their attributes and spend skill points to level up and increase certain attributes. These have an RPG theme.


Most of PlayerEx's configurability is driven by Data Attributes, but there are some items that have a dedicated config - this is split up into server and client items.

Item Side Function
Disable Attributes GUI Server Hides inventory tabs, disables opening of attributes screen.
Reset On Death Server On death, the player's attributes, level and Skill Points revert to their defaults.
Level Nameplates Server For every LivingEntity with the Level attribute, a nameplate displays above that entity displaying their level (for players on multiplayer this is just above the head but below the nametag).
Skill Points per Level Server How many Skill Points the player gets for each level up.
Level Up Formula Server Dictates how many experience levels are required for the player to level up.
Level Up Volume Client How loud the level up sound effect is (can be set to 0 to mute).
Skill Up Volume Client How loud the spend skill point sound effect is (can be set to 0 to mute).
Horizontal Text Scale Client How squished the text on the attributes/combat screen is in the horizontal direction (good for languages with long form translations).
Vertical Text Scale Client How squished the text on the attributes/combat screen is in the vertical direction (good for languages with long form translations).
Tooltip Attributes Client How weapon tooltips should display their Attack Damage/Speed attributes; by default, increasing your attack damage/speed is not reflected in the tooltip of these attributes - PlayerEx fixes this, but offers the option to choose between different solutions:
1. Does not fix the issue and leaves tooltips alone (i.e. if you had 5 attack damage, the tooltip of a sword would not show this. This option is available in the event that you are playing with another mod that changes tooltips, and would otherwise be incompatible.
2. Displays attack damage/speed the same way attributes are displayed on tooltips, and only shows the modifier values.
3. Displays the attack damage/speed in the vanilla way, but fixes the values so that they reflect the player's values.


Command Function
/playerex levelup <player> [amount] Levels the input player up by the input amount.
/playerex refund <player> [amount] Gives the input player the input amount of refund points.
/playerex reset <player> Resets all attributes and skill points on the input player to their defaults.
/playerex skillAttribute <player> <attribute> Skills the input attribute, provided the player has a Skill Point available.
/playerex refundAttribute <player> <attribute> Refunds the input attribute, provided the player has a Refund Point available.

Also see commands available with Offline Player Cache, which is included with PlayerEx.