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Coffee Engine is a free and open-source game engine made in javascript. Its goal is to be a usable, versatile, customizable, and portable engine!

Quirks of the engine

The engine has some quirks while working on its source, which contributors might have to get used to.

Modules and Packages

Keep them to a minimum, no modules besides compilation, because this engine has to be portable.
I reccomend staying with what we have which are :

  • Blockly
  • Monaco
  • Marked (v15.0.0)
  • JSZip (v3.10.1)

Node-based before everything

The engine's new focus is to have a node-based object system, but with the simplicity to be easy for beginners.

Customizability is key

Coffee Engine should be very customizable with almost everything being able to be moved around or changed in some way.


you can use node build.mjs to build a non-Browser version of the engine, when building it should show a little command line tool for you to mess around with. if you just want to test on a browser, use a local server

IOS bugs

If you find a fix for any IOS bug, commit it.


If you plan to make a fork or mod of the engine please add some link back to the original engine! This is not a requirement just a simple request.

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