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query from mocked state
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Conaws committed Oct 27, 2016
1 parent 545f382 commit 6749626
Showing 1 changed file with 78 additions and 5 deletions.
83 changes: 78 additions & 5 deletions src/undead/cards/poem.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ Be the dust at the Wise One's door, and speak!" }])
(testing "All Poems"
(is (= [1 10 15]
(d/q '[:find [?e ...]
(d/q '[:find [?e ...]
:in $ % [?parent ...]
[?p :set/title ?parent]
Expand All @@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ Be the dust at the Wise One's door, and speak!" }])

(deftrack matching-or
[conn & matches]
[conn matches]

"takes n eids and returns a track with set of members, including in subsets"

Expand All @@ -333,22 +333,95 @@ Be the dust at the Wise One's door, and speak!" }])
(is (= #{3 4} @(intersection (r/atom #{3 4 5}) (r/atom #{2 3 4})))))
(testing "get all the poems"
(is (= #{1 10 15}
@(matching-or poem-conn 13))))
@(matching-or poem-conn [13]))))
(testing "get the Irish poem"
(is (= #{15}
(matching-or poem-conn 13)
(matching-or poem-conn 16)
(matching-or poem-conn [13])
(matching-or poem-conn [16])

(deftrack query-from-state [db]
(let [qs (:queries db)
active-qs (filter (comp #(< 0 %) count :selected) qs)
conn (:conn db)]
@(apply intersection
(for [a (map :selected active-qs)]
(matching-or conn a)))))

(deftest applying-filters-via-state
(let [state {:conn poem-conn
:queries [{:id 5
:selected [13]}
{:id 6
:selected []}
{:id 7
:selected [16]}]}]

(= [{:id 5
:selected [13]}
{:id 7
:selected [16]}]
(filter (comp #(< 0 %) count :selected) (:queries state))
(testing "get the Irish poem"
(is (= #{15}
@(query-from-state state)
(matching-or poem-conn [13])
(matching-or poem-conn [16])


(defn filter-view [{:keys [set/title set/subsets set/members] :as n} ]
(let [my-atom (r/atom false)]
(fn []
(let [member-count (count members)]
(if (< 0 member-count)
:gap "15px"
:children [[rc/checkbox
:label title
:model my-atom
:on-change #(reset! my-atom %)]
[:span member-count]
[:label title])
(for [[x s] (map-indexed vector subsets)]
^{:key (str title x)}
[demo-filter s])]]))))

(defcard-rg filter-view-card
[filter-view {:set/title "Culture",
[{:set/title "Middle Eastern",
[{:set/title "Persian", :set/members [{:db/id 1}]}]}
{:set/title "Islamic",
[{:set/title "Sufi", :set/members [{:db/id 1}]}]}]}]

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