Releases: D3R/gulp-bundle
Releases · D3R/gulp-bundle
Compatibility with gulp 4
Allow copying of entire folders of files using relative paths
Merge pull request #3 from D3R/relative-paths Allow paths to be relative when using globs to copy stuff across
Update for previous release
Needed to update package.json
Ignore folders
v0.2.5 Ignore folders
Temporary bug fix for concatenation errors
Merge pull request #2 from D3R/bug/concat Add timeout to reduce race condition issue
Fix for multiple config reads not firing
v0.2.3 Use promises to complete the operation properly
Correct version number in package.json
v0.2.2 Fix version number in package json
Fix destination scope when copying glob results to directory
v0.2.1 Fix destination scope when copying glob results to directory
Pipe files back to gulp
We now let gulp do the file writing which would allow further transformations on the output files.
Fix initial release
v0.1.1 Add glob dependency