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The Redfish JSON Schema Response Validator is a Python3 utility used to validate any JSON resource against DMTF provided JSON schemas


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Copyright 2017-2018 DMTF. All rights reserved.



This tool is deprecated in favor of response payload validation performed by the Redfish-Service-Validator.

About is a Python3 utility used to validate any JSON resource against DMTF provided JSON schemas.

To run:

  • Run from anywhere which has the proper Python3.4 or later environment,
  • You can validate against local JsonSchema files in a local directory on the client, --OR-- you can tell the validator to use the JsonSchema files at the DMTF site.
    • if you use the option to access the DMTF hosted JsonSchema files, you must of course have internet access from the client to the DMTF site for http GETs.
  • The typical use case is:
    • use Redfish-Mockup-Creator to pull a full mockup tree of all GET responses from a live system
    • then run resourceValidate pointing at the mockup tree to validate all of the responses in the mockup
  • If you have one or two error cases, you can then re-run pointing at a specific file in the mockup tree,
    • Or you can point resourceValidate at a live system and validate a single URI response
  • See Examples below

[OPTIONS]: usage:
-h   display usage and exit
-v   verbose
-m   directory path to a mockup tree to validate against.   default: ./mockup-sim-pull
-s   path to a local directory containing the json schema files to validate against.  default ./DMTFSchemas
-S   Tells resourceValicate to get the schema from
-u   user name, default root
-p   password, default calvin
-e   error output path/filename, default ./validate_errs
-f   comma separated list of files to validate.  If -f is not specified, it will validate all index.json fils in the mockup
-r   hostname or IP address [:portno], default None
-i   url  --used with -r option to specify the url to test, default /redfish/v1
-x   comma separated list of patterns to exclude from errors
-g   validate only resources which failed a previous run
-l   a local json file to validate
NOTE: if -r is specified, this will validate 
       one resource (rest API) from a host
NOTE: if -f is specified, this will validate individual
       resources from the mockup directory
NOTE: if -v is specified, resource JSON will be
       printed to std out
NOTE: if -g is specified, input files will be the files
       found in a previous error file. If used with -v,
       the output will include the resource JSON and the Schema

Installation, Path, and Dependencies:

  • clone repo with validateResource Redfish-JsonSchema-ResponseValidator directory
  • If using the -m option, you must know the path to the mockup directory.
  • Dependent modules:
    • python3.4,
    • jsonschema,
   NOTE: jsonschema should be installable by pip.
       # pip3 install jsonschema
       # This is the pypy implementation of the standard validator from  
  • requests pip3 install requests

Examples: -m mockupdir
    -- walks the tree in mockupdir and validate every index.json file found -r[:port] or MyRedfishHost -i /redfish/vi/Systems
    -- validates one response from a live service -g -v [-e errorfile] > saveout
    -- validates the resources for a previous error file (-g)
       includes in the output the json resource and the json schema
       saves the standard out to be examined with an editor -l LocalResourceFile -S
    -- validates the lcoal resources file with the schema from

NOTE: here is a shortcut bash script

Known Issues

  • filter tests to not try to validate /redfish (the version response) since it does not contain an prop
  • filter tests to not try to validate /redfish/v1/odata/index.json (the Odata Service Doc) since it does not have an prop

Release Process

  1. Update with the list of changes since the last release
  2. Update the tool_version variable in to reflect the new tool version
  3. Push changes to Github
  4. Create a new release in Github

See Also:

  • Redfish-Mockup-Creator


The Redfish JSON Schema Response Validator is a Python3 utility used to validate any JSON resource against DMTF provided JSON schemas








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