My New Dotfiles (replaces old dotfiles repo)
These are the configurations and scripts I'm using in my laptop (macOS) and my desktop Manjaro Linux (Arch) and Windows+WSL(Ubuntu 22.04 & Seeelen UI on Windows 11). Main development environment currently includes now includes WezTerm, VSCode and NeoVim. PLEASE NOTE: This is very much a work in progress! I'm upgrading my PC at the moment so most things will change!
Includes configurations for:
- Alacritty (which I'm not using now)
- WizTerm (amazing terminal for Windows)
- Seelen UI on Windows (see com.seelen.seelen-ui folder for configs)
- VSCode
- NeoVim
- Pycharm
- Python
- PostgreSQL
- Zellij
and more..