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Releases: DataDog/libddwaf

v1.24.0 (unstable)

19 Mar 10:25
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This release only introduces a new builder function which can be used to retrieve the currently loaded configuration paths. This function can be useful for determining if a certain group of configurations is available and / or whether a default configuration is still presently loaded. The new function has the following signature:

uint32_t ddwaf_builder_get_config_paths(ddwaf_builder builder, ddwaf_object *paths, const char *filter, uint32_t filter_len);

It can be used to retrieve all loaded paths as follows:

ddwaf_builder builder = ddwaf_builder_init(nullptr);
ddwaf_builder_add_or_update_config(builder, LSTRARG("ASM_DD/default"), &default_config, nullptr);

ddwaf_object paths;
uint32_t count = ddwaf_builder_get_config_paths(builder, &paths, nullptr, 0);

// count: 1
// paths: [ "ASM_DD/default" ]

In addition, the function can also be called with a regular expression to collect only relevant configurations:

ddwaf_builder builder = ddwaf_builder_init(nullptr);
ddwaf_builder_add_or_update_config(builder, LSTRARG("ASM_DD/default"), &default_config, nullptr);
ddwaf_builder_add_or_update_config(builder, LSTRARG("ASM/custom_rules"), &other_config, nullptr);

ddwaf_object paths;
uint32_t count = ddwaf_builder_get_config_paths(builder, &paths, LSTRARG("^ASM_DD/.*"));

// count: 1
// paths: [ "ASM_DD/default" ]

Note that LSTRARG is simply a non-standard macro for converting a literal string into: <literal>, sizeof(<literal>) - 1.

More information on how this function must be used can be found here.

Release changelog


  • Add function to get list of loaded configuration paths (#384)


  • Make builder config const and fix build (#374)


  • Add benchmarks using clang-19 (#380)

v1.23.0 (unstable)

17 Feb 16:56
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This new version of libddwaf introduces the WAF builder, a new mechanism for generating WAF instances through complete or partial configurations. This new mechanism aims to standardise the WAF update process across all WAF users, eliminating the possibility for incomplete or inconsistent implementations. With the introduction of the WAF builder, the ddwaf_update function has been deprecated, as the semantics have been drastically changed. More information about the builder can be found (here).

In addition, diagnostics have now been split into warnings and errors to better differentiate those which can indicate a potential issue from those which may indicate a potential, but expected, incompatibility. More information about the diagnostic changes can be found (here).

Finally, a small but consequential change has been introduced to the endpoint fingerprint generation, which makes the query parameter of the postprocessor optional, meaning that fingerprints may be generated without it.

Since this release introduces breaking changes, a new section has been added to the upgrading guide.

Release changelog


  • WAF Builder: independent configuration manager to generate WAF instances (#363)
  • Change endpoint fingerprint query parameter to optional (#365)
  • Split diagnostics into warnings and errors (#368)
  • Pass object limits at evaluation time rather than parsing (#370)


  • Wrap containers in the ruleset within shared pointers to reduce copies (#366)


  • Rename parameter to raw_configuration (#367)
  • Generate coverage at multiple log levels (#364)

v1.22.0 (unstable)

10 Dec 16:00
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New features

This new version of libddwaf introduces an important new feature: module-based rule evaluation precedence. This new feature ensures that rules are evaluated in a specified order, based on the module they belong to, which specifies the absolute precedence of the rules contained within it, as well as a set of criteria which determines the relative precedence within the module.

Rules within a module are organised based on whether they are in blocking mode or monitoring mode, with the former always having precedence over the latter. In addition, two rules of the same mode are then organised based on whether they belong to the base ruleset (datadog-owned) or the custom ruleset (customer-owned), as some modules give precedence to one over the other.

The modules defined in this version, in their evaluation order, are the following:

  • network-acl: specifically containing IP denylist rules. In this module, precedence is given to rules within the base ruleset over the custom ruleset. Additionally, this module does not adhere to the user-provided timeout.
  • authentication-acl: specifically containing user denylist rules. In this module, precedence is given to rules within the base ruleset over the custom ruleset. Additionally, this module does not adhere to the user-provided timeout.
  • custom-acl: this module contains custom denylist rules, without restriction on the type of inputs targeted. As the name suggests, precedence is given to rules within the custom ruleset.
  • configuration: this module contains rules for detecting misconfigurations and / or configuration restrictions, giving also precedence to rules within the custom ruleset.
  • business-logic: containing rules used to identify and / or block business logic events, also giving precedence to rules within the custom ruleset.
  • rasp: containing exclusively exploit prevention rules. To ensure the effectivenes of exploit prevention rules, this module gives precedence to rules within the base ruleset.
  • waf: this module contains rules for detecting attacks exclusively based on the request inputs. Rules within this module are organised by rule type, in what is known as rule collections. This organisation is primarily used to ensure that only a single match of a given type is generated per context, but it also has a marginal impact on the rule evaluation order, as rules are clustered together by type as much as possible. In addition, precedence is given to rules within the custom ruleset rather than the base ruleset.

Note that while some modules have "lower" precedence, the reality is that they are often evaluated independently of other modules, as is the case for the rasp and business-logic modules

Finally, this release also includes a number of fixes and improvements on the exploit prevention heuristics to limit the potential for false positives.

Release changelog


  • Module-based rule evaluation precedence (#353)


  • Prevent scheme matches in isolation (#360)
  • Improve parsing of numbers in SQL tokenizers (#359)

v1.21.0 (unstable)

13 Nov 16:08
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New features

This new version of libddwaf only introduces one new feature, alongside other fixes and behind-the-scenes changes and improvements.

Exploit prevention: Command injection detection

A new operator cmdi_detector has been introduced for detecting and blocking command injections. This heuristics builds on the shell injection heuristic in order to detect injections on non-shell APIs, including indirect shell injections. This new operator is part of the exploit prevention feature, so it is meant to be used in combination with targeted instrumentation.

The following example rule takes advantage of the new operator to identify injections originating from request parameters:

  - id: rsp-930-005
    name: CMDi Exploit detection
      type: cmdi
      category: exploit_detection
      module: rasp
      - parameters:
            - address: server.sys.exec.cmd
            - address: server.request.query
            - address: server.request.body
            - address: server.request.path_params
            - address: grpc.server.request.message
            - address: graphql.server.all_resolvers
            - address: graphql.server.resolver
        operator: cmdi_detector

Release changelog


  • Command injection detection operator (#354) (#356)


  • Disable a few patterns that caused false positives (#355)


  • Fix build on macos-14 (#349)
  • Support (min|max)_version on verify_rule utility (#350)
  • Reorganise tests (#351)
  • Auto-retry flaky build steps & downgrade to macos-13 (#357)

v1.20.1 (unstable)

21 Oct 15:22
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  • Shell injection for array-based resources (#333)


  • Fix logic error on lfi_detector for windows and introduce lfi_detector@v2 (#346)

v1.20.0 (unstable)

14 Oct 08:14
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New features

This new version of libddwaf introduces a small set of convenience features and expands some of the existing functionality.

Fingerprint regeneration

Some of the existing fingerprinting processors have been expanded with the ability to regenerate fingerprints as new data becomes available over subsequent evaluations, specifically:

  • The body parameter of the http_endpoint_fingerprint is now optional.
  • All the parameters of the session_fingerprint are now optional (cookies, session_id, user_id), however a session fingerprint will only be generated if at least one argument is present.

API users must take into consideration that the same fingerprint may be provided in the derivatives section of ddwaf_result over subsequent calls, which should override the previously generated one.

New & negated operators

New operators have now been included in this version of libddwaf, and some others have been expanded:

  • greater_than: asserts whether a numeric value in the input data is greater than a specified one.
  • lower_than: asserts whether a numeric value in the input data is lower than a specified one.
  • exists for key paths: the exists operator is already available to assert the presence of an address, but it has now been expanded to assert the presence of a key path within an address;

In addition, some operators can now be negated, with the following caveats:

  • Matches can only be performed on available addresses, as there isn't sufficient information to determine if an address will be provided in a subsequent evaluation. As a consequence, conditions using negated operators can only specify a single input address.
  • Due to the above, the negated version of the exists operator (!exists) can only assert the absence of a key path, rather than an address.

The following are the new negated operators: !match_regex, !phrase_match, !exact_match, !ip_match, !equals and !exists.

Min and max version for evaluation primitives

In order to allow for a single ruleset to be used throughout multiple versions of libddwaf, while taking advantage of new features and / or changes to the evaluation primitives schema, two new fields have been added:

  • min_version: this can be used to specify the minimum version of libddwaf required to support this evaluation primitive.
  • max_version: this can be used to specify the maximum version of libddwaf required to support this evaluation primitive.

Both fields follow the semantic versioning schema x.y.z without a v in front nor any subsequent labels or hashes, the minimum allowed version is 0.0.0 and the maximum 999.999.999. Each new field can be provided in isolation or in combination with its counterpart.

The evaluation primitives supporting this new fields are: rules, exclusion filters, processors and scanners. An example of a rule using a minimum and maximum version can be seen below:

  - id: rsp-930-004
    name: SHi Exploit detection
      type: shi
      category: exploit_detection
      module: rasp
    min_version: 1.19.0
    max_version  1.19.999
      - parameters:
            - address:
            - address: server.request.query
        operator: shi_detector

Finally, when an evaluation primitive doesn't meet the required version criteria, its ID is included in a new diagnostic field called skipped, within the relevant section, e.g.

    - rsp-930-004
  loaded: ...

RASP operator versioning

Finally, in order to distinguish multiple versions of our exploit prevention heuristics, RASP operators can now be versioned. Versioning is done with the following schema: operator_name@version, where the operator name is one of the existing RASP operators (lfi_detector, ssrf_detector, sqli_detector, shi_detector) and version consists of a single digit preceded by a v, e.g. sqli_detector@v2.

Operator versioning works as follows:

  • When the existing operator version is higher or equal to the required version, the available operator is compatible.
  • When the existing operator version is lower than the required version, the operator is incompatible.
  • When the operator is incompatible, the rule is silently skipped and added to the skipped section of the diagnostics.

In addition, this release includes a new version of the sqli_detector operator, specifically sqli_detector@v2.

Release changelog


  • Fingerprint regeneration based on availability of optional arguments (#331)
  • Expand detections per parameter (#332)
  • Extend exists operator to support key paths and negation (#334)
  • Negated scalar condition for matchers (#335)
  • Greater and lower than matchers (#336)
  • Support min_version and max_version on evaluation primitives and RASP operator versioning (#343)
  • Introduce sqli_detector@v2 (#343)


  • Fix false positive on SQLi EOL comments (#330)


  • Fix many, but not all, clang-tidy complaints (#339)
  • Set content:write permissions on release job (#340)

v1.19.1 (unstable)

29 Jul 08:08
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  • Split collections by module (#328)


  • Upgrade arm64 runner (#326)
  • Remove noisy scenarios and add new scenario (#327)

v1.19.0 (unstable)

19 Jul 08:16
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New features

This new version of libddwaf introduces a multitude of new features in order to support new use cases and expand existing ones.

Exploit prevention: Shell injection detection

A new operator shi_detector has been introduced for detecting and blocking shell injections, based on input parameters and the final shell code being evaluated. This new operator is part of the exploit prevention feature, so it is meant to be used in combination with targeted instrumentation.

The following example rule takes advantage of the new operator to identify injections originating from request parameters:

  - id: rsp-930-004
    name: SHi Exploit detection
      type: shi
      category: exploit_detection
      module: rasp
      - parameters:
            - address:
            - address: server.request.query
            - address: server.request.body
            - address: server.request.path_params
            - address: grpc.server.request.message
            - address: graphql.server.all_resolvers
            - address: graphql.server.resolver
        operator: shi_detector

Attacker & Request Fingerprinting

This release includes a new family of processors which can be used to generate different fingerprints for a request and / or user, depending on available information:

  • http_endpoint_fingerprint: this processor generates a fingerprint which uniquely identifies the HTTP endpoint accessed by the request as well as how this endpoint was accessed (i.e. which parameters were used).
  • http_headers_fingerprint: generates a fingerprint which provides information about the headers used when accessing said HTTP endpoint.
  • http_network_fingerprint: provides a fingerprint containing some information about the network-related HTTP headers used within the request.
  • session_fingerprint: this processor generates a specific fingeprint with sufficient information to track a unique session and / or attacker.

Suspicious attacker blocking

Suspicious attackers can now be blocked conditionally when they perform a restricted action or an attack. With the combination of custom exclusion filter actions and exclusion data, it is now possible to change the action of a rule dynamically depending on a condition, e.g. all rules could be set to blocking mode if a given IP performs a known attack.

The following exclusion filter, in combination with the provided exclusion data, changes the action of all rules based on the client IP:

  - id: suspicious_attacker
      - operator: ip_match
            - address: http.client_ip
          data: ip_data
  - id: ip_data
    type: ip_with_expiration
      - value:
        expiration: 0

Other new features

  • New operator exists: this new operator can be used to assert the presence of at least one address from a given set of addresses, regardless of their underlying value.
  • Rule tagging overrides: rule overrides now allow adding tags to an existing rule, e.g. to provide information about the policy used.
  • New function ddwaf_known_actions: this new function can be used to obtain a list of the action types which can be triggered given the set of rules and exclusion filters available.

Release changelog


  • Multivariate processors and remove generators (#298)
  • Custom rule filter actions (#303)
  • SHA256 hash based on OpenSSL (#304)
  • Shell injection detection operator (#308)
  • Limit the number of transformers per rule or input (#309)
  • Validate redirection location and restrict status codes (#310)
  • Rule override for adding tags (#313)
  • Add support for dynamic exclusion filter data (#316)
  • HTTP Endpoint Fingerprint Processor (#318)
  • HTTP Header, HTTP Network and Session Fingerprints (#320)
  • Exists operator and waf.context.event virtual address (#321)
  • Add function to obtain available actions (#324)


  • Transformer fixes and improvements (#299)


  • Fix object generator stray container (#294)
  • Regex tools & benchmark rename (#290)
  • Order benchmark scenarios (#300)
  • Upgrade to macos-12 (#312)
  • Skip disabled rules when generating ruleset (#314)
  • Update default obfuscator regex (#317)

v1.18.0 (unstable)

08 May 08:40
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This version introduces a new operator sqli_detector for the detection of SQL injections. In addition, the ruleset parser has been updated to allow non-string parameter values on action definitions.


  • SQL Injection (SQLi) Detection Operator (#284)


  • Fix mishandling invalid actions key type (#286)
  • Convert non-string object types into string during ruleset parsing (#285)


  • Use SSE4.1 ceilf when available and add badges to readme (#288)
  • SQLi Detector Fuzzer and improvements (#291)

v1.17.0 (unstable)

18 Apr 07:18
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This new version introduces RASP rules and supporting features, including:

  • Multivariate operators for the development of complex rules.
  • A new operator lfi_detector for the detection of local file inclusion (LFI) / path traversal attacks.
  • A new operator ssrf_detector for the detection of server-side request forgery (SSRF) attacks.
  • Better support for rule actions, as well as internal default actions: block, stack_trace and extract_schema.

The upgrading guide has also been updated to cover the new breaking changes.


  • Multivariate operator support (#241)
  • Local file inclusion (LFI) operator (#258)
  • Server-side request forgery (SSRF) detection operator (#268)
  • Action semantics and related improvements (#277)


  • Reduce benchmark noise (#257, #259, #260)
  • Add support for old glibc (e.g. RHEL 6) (#262)
  • Add weak ceilf symbol and definition (#263)
  • Fix parsing of variadic arguments (#267)


  • Update node-16 actions to node-20 ones (#266)
  • Attempt to build libddwaf on arm64 runner (#270)
  • Run tests on arm64 (#271)
  • LFI detector fuzzer (#274)
  • Remove rpath from linux-musl binary (#282)