An alternative to Cydia Impactor and AltServer for ALL computers.
- First alternative to be corecryptoless and independent from Apple Frameworks
- Super cross-platform and portable (even supports Linux !)
- CLI and GUI versions
- Paid developer accounts don't need a computer once Scarlet is installed
- Different codesigner (more stable than ldid/AltStore)
- Logic/handling of when to fetch anisette is entirely redesigned and understands when adi resets instantly
- Certificate re-use. Certificates aren't revoked when they don't have to be - the same certificate from the computer is shared to the phone if they have a matching teamID(account) and if still valid
- Certificates are directly checked with apple signing servers for the revokation status
- 100% working revokeless AppStore app installations (you no longer need to use the AppStore 🕺)
- Install usbmuxd (ex. sudo apt-get install usbmuxd)
- Install iTunes (
- Install iCloud (
- No requirements
Scarlet is installed with this tool which allows you to add jailbroken repos and install jailbroken apps all without a jailbreak ! It also includes a beautiful design and lightning fast app sideloading