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Module node devmind-website

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This project is used to build the Dev-Mind websites. The aim is to use handlebars as template solution and asciidoctor.js to writes dynamic pages as a blog. Several others extensions help to generate a rss file, a sitemap file…​


If you want a real example see or https://


This library is written with typescript. When Typescript is updated we have to compile the file is js to be able to use them in a project which don’t use typescript

To do that run

npm run build

Use this module

This module is made to be used in a GulpFile. You can read the gulpfile.ts used to test the extensions or you can see the gulpfile used on the main Dev-Mind website (

To install this module use for example with yarn

yarn add

To import the module in your gulpfile.js you can use

const website = require('devmind-website').DevMindGulpBuilder()();

You can also send parameters. Below I use the default values

  path : '../../../',
  metadata : {
    rss: 'src/metadata/rss.json',
    blog: 'src/metadata/blog.json',
    html: 'src/metadata/html.json',
    sitemap: 'src/metadata/sitemap.json'
const website = require('./index')(WEBSITE_PARAMS);



Used to apply a handlebar template on a file stream. This extension has to be applied after read-html or read-asciidoctor extensions which create the templateModel sent to handlebars to populate the template

Example of usage

  {key: '_html_header', path: 'src/templates/_html_header.handlebars'},
  {key: '_html_footer', path: 'src/templates/_html_footer.handlebars'}

gulp.task('html-template', () =>
      .pipe(website.applyTemplate(`src/templates/site.handlebars`, HANDLEBARS_PARTIALS))

The templateModel has several attributes. For more details read the section about read-html or read-asciidoctor extension.


Used to change Asciidoc file extension to html

Example of usage

gulp.task('blog-indexing', () =>


Used to generate a JSON file with data read in HTML or Asciidoc file

Example of usage

gulp.task('blog-indexing', () =>

The result is for example

      "strdate": "28/09/2018",
      "revdate": "28/09/2018",
      "doctitle": "Expérience de Guillaume EHRET",
      "description": "CV numérique de Guillaume EHRET fondateur de Dev-Mind",
      "keywords": [
      "filename": "experience",
      "priority": 0.6,
      "dir": "/"


Tansforms a Json list with metadata to an RSS file

Example of usage

gulp.task('blog-rss', () =>

In this example I read an index written in Json and read-index helps to read the content and send it to the extension convert-to-rss. This extension creates the file blog.xml

The file build/.tmp/blogindex.json is for example

      "strdate": "28/09/2018",
      "revdate": "28/09/2018",
      "doctitle": "Expérience de Guillaume EHRET",
      "description": "CV numérique de Guillaume EHRET fondateur de Dev-Mind",
      "keywords": [
      "filename": "experience",
      "priority": 0.6,
      "dir": "/"


If you want to be indexed your website on Google or other web brothers, you can expose a file sitemap.xml with all the pages to index. This extension is used for that

Example of usage

gulp.task('sitemap', () =>
  gulp.src(['build/.tmp/blogindex.json', 'build/.tmp/pageindex.json'])

In this example I read 2 index written in Json (blogindex and pageindex). Extension read-index helps to read them, and send them to the extension convert-to-sitemap which is able to generate the file sitemap.xml

The file build/.tmp/blogindex.json is for example

      "strdate": "28/09/2018",
      "revdate": "28/09/2018",
      "doctitle": "Expérience de Guillaume EHRET",
      "description": "CV numérique de Guillaume EHRET fondateur de Dev-Mind",
      "keywords": [
      "filename": "experience",
      "priority": 0.6,


This extension return true if the file exists

Example of usage

const page = path.resolve(__dirname, options.path, file.path);
  throw new PluginError('files-exist', `File ${file.path} does not existe`);


Use to verify if each files exists in your project. If a file is not present an Exception is thrown

Example of usage

gulp.task('check', () =>
  gulp.src([ 'build/.tmp/blogindex.json',


Use to highlight the source code defined in yours HTML pages.

Example of usage If your code is defined between these markups

<pre class="highlight">
    <code class="language-html" data-lang="java">
        // My code

You can use this extension like this

gulp.task('blog-page', (cb) => {
      .pipe(website.highlightCode({selector: 'pre.highlight code'}))
      .on('end', () => cb())


Read a stream of Asciidoc files and build for each HTML file. If you use code example in your asciidoc we use to highlight language keywords.

  • a templateModel, a structure JSON used after with handlebar and

  • an indexData object used to build an index file used by other extensions

Example of usage

gulp.task('adoc-template', () =>

The JSON templateModel has these values.

  • keywords : to provided in a metadata JSON

  • title : to provided in a metadata JSON

  • description : to provided in a metadata JSON

  • contents : read from the file in the stream

  • gendate : current instant

  • filename : name of the future page

  • dir : for asciidoc you can define your page in a subdirectory (usefull for a blog with a subdirectory per year, or by topic)

  • category : to regroup elements

  • teaser: little teaser to introduce the page

  • imgteaser: image to use with this teaser (used on to display page blog with all articles)

  • canonicalUrl : computed from the current file path

  • modedev : read in environment variables

When you define a new page in asciidoc you can use these metadata in your header

:doctitle: Do your Blog yourself
:description: Comment construire le blog parfait
:keywords: Web, Blog, Asciidoc, Asciidoctor, CMS, Clever Cloud
:author: Guillaume EHRET - Dev-Mind
:revdate: 2018-01-02
:category: Web
:teaser: Début 2017, j'ai choisi de migrer mon blog de Blogspot vers une solution personnalisée à base de Asciidoc. J'ai continué à faire évoluer mon site web pour enfin arriver à une solution qui me satisfait.
:imgteaser: ../../img/blog/2018/siteweb_00.jpg

Start of your article

In your handlebar template you can use the templateModel property values. For example

        <title>{{ title }}</title>
        <h1>{{ title }}</h1>


Read a stream of HTML files and build for each HTML file

  • a templateModel, a structure JSON used after with handlebar and

  • an indexData object used to build an index file used by other extensions

Example of usage

gulp.task('html-template', () =>

The JSON templateModel has these values.

  • keywords : to provided in a metadata JSON

  • title : to provided in a metadata JSON

  • description : to provided in a metadata JSON

  • contents : read from the file in the stream

  • gendate : current instant

  • canonicalUrl : computed from the current file path

  • modedev : read in environment variables

Some elements cannot be deduced. You have to provide these informations in JSON structure. By default this module read src/metadata/html.json. You can overrided this property in the config sent to this module

  metadata : {
    html: 'src/metadata/html.json'
const website = require('./index')(WEBSITE_PARAMS);

This file has for example this content

  "404.html" : {
    "keywords": "Dev-mind Guillaume EHRET développeur indépendant spécialiste Java, Web",
    "title": "Dev-Mind 404",
    "description" : "Page non trouvée sur le serveur",
    "priority": -1
  "formations.html" : {
    "keywords": "Dev-mind organisme de formation",
    "title": "Les formationds dispensées",
    "description" : "Dev-Mind dispense plusieurs formations autour du web et de Java",
    "priority": 0.6

In your handlebar template you can use the templateModel property values. For example

        <title>{{ title }}</title>
        <h1>{{ title }}</h1>


Used to parse a JSON file with metadata and send the content to another extension in file stream in gulp

Example of usage

gulp.task('blog-rss', () =>

In this example I read an index written in Json and read-index helps to read the content and send it to another extension like convert-to-rss for example





Dev & prod

In production you have to activate the mode prod in environment variable. For more detail you can read

With systemd, use the Environment directive in your unit file. For example:

# /etc/systemd/system/myservice.service

If we are not in production the templateModel used in handlebar templates contains a property modeDev to true (see section about read-html or read-asciidoctor extension)


You have to use a

  • node version >= 10.0

  • gulp >= 4.0.0


devmind-website is released under the MIT license.