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Releases: DistributedProofreaders/guiguts


25 Jul 19:10
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1.6.3 primarily contains an improvement to the new Page Marker Flags feature. It will now also preserve page labels when using Guiguts 1 in conjunction with Guiguts 2.

As described in, all users should run to ensure all necessary Perl modules are installed.

Users who have already utilized the Copy Settings From A Release and header_user.txt features should not need to manually copy across files or settings when upgrading to 1.6.3. If upgrading from a pre-1.5 release and you want to take advantage of these features to ease future upgrades, see the 1.5.0 release notes, the manual, or this forum post for more details.


  • Page marker flags feature added in 1.6.2 now includes page label information so files can be switched between GG1 and GG2 more seamlessly. Only works with Guiguts v2.0.0-alpha.3 or above.
  • Warning added to that Windows Strawberry Perl versions above 5.32.1 will not work, due to an incompatibility with Perk/Tk.


15 Jun 13:21
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1.6.2 primarily contains a new feature to preserve page break locations if the text file is modified using another editor (Guiguts 2 or any other editor). It also has a couple of other small improvements and bug fixes, as well as the latest versions of ebookmaker and Tidy.

All bugs reported by 1st June 2024 have been fixed.

As described in, all users should run to ensure all necessary Perl modules are installed.

Users who have already utilized the Copy Settings From A Release and header_user.txt features should not need to manually copy across files or settings when upgrading to 1.6.2. If upgrading from a pre-1.5 release and you want to take advantage of these features to ease future upgrades, see the 1.5.0 release notes, the manual, or this forum post for more details.

For details of significant changes and bug fixes between releases, view included with the release, or the more detailed Changelog on the Distributed Proofreaders wiki, which also has links to the relevant sections of the Guiguts Manual.


  • New feature to add Page marker flags, e.g. [Pg123], in parallel with work in Guiguts 2. This makes it possible to switch between GG1 and GG2, or to use non-Guiguts editors, without losing page break locations.
  • Added default Mac bindings for beginning & end of line
  • Added installation instructions for Ubuntu
  • Included latest version of ebookmaker (0.12.43)
  • Included latest version of Tidy (5.8.0)

Bug Fixes

  • Block markup check accepted markup which was not at the start of the line
  • Negative fractions, e.g. -1/4, lost their minus sign when converted


06 Jan 16:16
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1.6.1 contains an index cross-referencing tool, support for the LaTeX/HTML/SVG workflow, and several new small features and user interface improvements, as well as the latest versions of ebookmaker and the validators.

All bugs reported by 1st January 2024 have also been fixed.

As described in, all users should run to ensure all necessary Perl modules are installed.

Users who have already utilized the Copy Settings From A Release and header_user.txt features should not need to manually copy across files or settings when upgrading to 1.6.1. If upgrading from a pre-1.5 release and you want to take advantage of these features to ease future upgrades, see the 1.5.0 release notes, the manual, or this forum post for more details.

For details of significant changes and bug fixes between releases, view included with the release, or the more detailed Changelog on the Distributed Proofreaders wiki, which also has links to the relevant sections of the Guiguts Manual.


  • New 'Add Index Cross-references' feature links "See"/"Also see"/"See also" references to the relevant location in the index. References that cannot be linked automatically are listed for manual linking
  • Several tools added to support LaTeX/HTML/SVG workflow
  • CP Character Substitutions now include ¬ -> -
  • Bad words are loaded when good words file is loaded
  • Bad words are marked in the Spell Query results, and the number of bad words is reported
  • Highlight Character/Regex now has a history pulldown
  • Large good/bad words files are added to project dictionary much faster
  • PPhtml reports unused/undefined classes more accurately
  • Prev/Next Img buttons no longer pop the Page Marker Adjust dialog, and respect the Auto Img setting
  • 'Change All' has been removed from Spell Check due to undesirable behavior
  • Basic Fixup options are now persistent across different runs of Guiguts
  • The Word Count and QuickSearch Count dialogs have clearer titles
  • "Unmatched #/" message when rewrapping now includes two lines of context to help user track down which blockquote is failing
  • Default image viewer on Macs is now Preview instead of XnViewMP
  • Included latest version of ebookmaker (0.12.38)
  • Included latest version of Epubcheck (5.1.0)
  • Included latest version of CSS Validator (20231124)
  • New guide included with release

Bug Fixes

  • Coincident page markers (due to blank pages) were sometimes reversed during file load/save or search/replace
  • Fractions including commas (e.g. 1/10,000) did not convert correctly
  • Some places where user could type a regex were not validated like the Search/Replace dialog. The error message is also more useful
  • Pphtml didn't always cope with @media correctly
  • Non-existent directories used to give errors on Mac systems
  • Some methods of inserting Unicode characters did not replace existing selected text in the way other insertions do
  • HTML AutoIndex could sometimes loop forever if it didn't find suitable lines to convert to an index
  • HTML index generation did not recognise page numbers that were marked up as bold or italic


24 Jul 19:57
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1.6.0 contains several new features, including new Illustration and Sidenote Fixup tools to assist with checking and moving these to their correct positions in the file, a Convert DP Diacriticals tool to automatically convert DP diacritical markup to the correctly marked up character, several user interface improvements, and the latest versions of ebookmaker and the validators.

All bugs reported by 24th July 2023 have also been fixed.

Users who have already utilized the Copy Settings From A Release and header_user.txt features should not need to manually copy across files or settings when upgrading to 1.6.0. If upgrading from a pre-1.5 release and you want to take advantage of these features to ease future upgrades, see the 1.5.0 release notes, the manual, or this forum post for more details.

For details of significant changes and bug fixes between releases, view included with the release, or the more detailed Changelog on the Distributed Proofreaders wiki, which also has links to the relevant sections of the Guiguts Manual.


  • Removed Convert Windows CP1252 Characters menu option
  • Removed several buttons from the Txt menu, such as Convert Italics, etc.
    These were duplicates of buttons in the Txt Conversion Palette
  • Removed Find Some Orphaned Markup button from HTML Markup dialog. This is
    superceded by Unmatched HTML Tag Check
  • Use the "Buttons and labels" font for the text in the toolbar
  • Block wrap margin markup can include spaces, e.g. /#[12.4, 50]
  • Useful X11 Preferences documented for Mac users
  • Page separator lines from gImageReader OCR files are now recognised when the
    file is loaded
  • /r[nn] can be used to set a specific right margin for right-alignment
  • New Convert DP Diacriticals option converts DP markup, e.g. [a.], to
    Unicode character(s). Characters are normalized if possible, or if not, the
    relevant combining character is used. Converts selection or whole file.
  • HTML autogeneration uses   instead of   for non-breaking spaces
  • If some text is selected, popping the QuickSearch dialog puts the selected
    text into the search field
  • QuickSearch now has a Count ("#") button
  • New Illustration Fixup assists with moving illos to paragraph breaks. Use
    Ctrl-click on report to move illo down, Shift-Ctrl-click to move illo up.
    Shift-Ctrl-f jumps cursor between original and new illo positions.
  • New manual Sidenote Fixup assists with moving sidenotes to paragraph breaks,
    in the same way as Illustration Fixup
  • "Display Character Names" setting (Preferences->Toolbar menu) for the
    Dec/Hex ordinal label in the status bar is now stored in settings.rc
  • The ppvimage tool now allows .svg image files
  • Included latest version of ebookmaker (0.12.33)
  • Included latest versions of VNU Validator (23.4.11), CSS Validator (20220105)
    and Epubcheck (5.0.1)
  • Mac installation instructions improved

Bug Fixes

  • Spell Query, Word Frequency and Search/Replace did not consider combining
    characters to be part of a word, so failed to find or search for whole words
    correctly if they contained combining characters
  • Check for Updates had stopped working due to a change in the Github page
  • Several Search Menu options did not return focus to the main window when the
    menu was used as a tear-off
  • Converting footnote numbers to Letter form failed if there were more than
    676 footnotes
  • Non-ASCII author name, or non-breaking space between initials, was not
    saved correctly in the .bin file
  • Some < or > symbols in a text file were not converted to HTML entities
    during autogeneration
  • Paragraphs marked for right-alignment would never be moved left to align,
    even when there was space to do so
  • Some footnote anchors, e.g. at start of line, would get moved when their
    footnotes were moved to the landing zones
  • Badly formed sidenotes could generate a bad index error
  • Word Frequency Character Count gave an error if file contained no spaces
  • Errors occurred if a Spell Query language dictionary was Latin-1 encoded,
    rather than Unicode
  • When a new file was loaded after a previous LOTE file, the language was not
    set back to English by default for the new file
  • When QuickSearch dialog was popped, the current selection was not cleared,
    meaning the first search could fail
  • The column count (ruler) would give errors if used with lines over 190
    characters long
  • Some Word Frequency operations silently saved the file, even when autosave
    options were disabled
  • pphtml reported unused or undefined CSS warnings wrongly if layout was not
    as expected, or if first-letter was used
  • ppvimage reported .png covers as errors
  • index rewrapping in text version added a blank line at the end
  • Search/Replace over a selected range stopped part-way through the range if
    the replacement string inserted a new line
  • Long HTML lines were created from page links in index - now wrapped
  • Attempting to re-run a SpellCheck/Query while loading a goodwords file
    could cause errors
  • Ctrl/Shift-clicking an error in the Error Check window could cause the bell
    to ring even if bell was disabled in Preferences
  • Trailing spaces were stripped from lines of HTML during file save/load
  • HTML conversion of single character italic superscripts was invalid
  • Multi-line auto-lists moved all the page markers within the list to the top
  • A page marker on closing blockquote markup led to the markup being indented
  • Page markers at the start of a line could affect the indent of /* blocks


02 Mar 20:05
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1.5.3 contains a few small changes, including a new Quick Search feature, and the ability to find the matching pair to a selected bracket, curly double quote, block markup, DP tag or HTML tag. In addition, reports of unmatched occurrences of these features can also be obtained. All bugs reported by 1st March 2023 have also been fixed.

Users who have already utilized the Copy Settings From A Release and header_user.txt features should not need to manually copy across files or settings when upgrading to 1.5.3. If upgrading from a pre-1.5 release and you want to take advantage of these features to ease future upgrades, see the 1.5.0 release notes, the manual, or this forum post for more details.

For details of significant changes and bug fixes between releases, view included with the release, or the more detailed Changelog on the Distributed Proofreaders wiki, which also has links to the relevant sections of the Guiguts Manual.


  • Quick Search in Search menu (or Shift-Ctrl-f) pops a mini-dialog with basic search options and a history button. Clicking or Shift-clicking Search button, or typing Return/Shift-Return, searches forwards or backwards
  • Find Match in the Search menu (or Ctrl-[) finds the matching bracket, curly quote, block markup, or HTML tag to the one currently selected or indicated by the cursor
  • Unmatched HTML Tag Check in the HTML menu reports unmatched HTML tags
  • Unmatched Curly Double Quote Check added to the Txt menu
  • Separate Unmatched DP Tag/Brackets/Block Markup Checks added to Tools menu
  • Ebookmaker version 0.12.29 included

Bug Fixes

  • The column display (ruler) numbers could sometimes display wrongly
  • When an internal page marker ended up in the middle of block markup, rewrapping could fail. Page markers could also break the column
    counting needed for /R and /C wrapping leading to misalignment


09 Feb 17:24
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1.5.2 contains a few small changes, including an optional ruler (or column count display), footnote error priority switch, Find Block Markup menu and the new PG <title> format. All reported bugs have also been fixed.

Users who have already utilized the Copy Settings From A Release and header_user.txt features should not need to manually copy across files or settings when upgrading to 1.5.2. If upgrading from a pre-1.5 release and you want to take advantage of these features to ease future upgrades, see the 1.5.0 release notes, the manual, or this forum post for more details.

For details of significant changes and bug fixes between releases, view included with the release, or the Changelog on the Distributed Proofreaders wiki, which also has links to the relevant sections of the Guiguts Manual.


  • Spell query no longer queries year/decade/shillings/pence abbreviations, e.g. '62, '60s, 1860s, 12s, 6d
  • The pphtml tool no longer reports ebookmaker control classes, e.g. x-ebookmaker-drop as undefined or unused
  • A ruler showing column numbers can be displayed at top of text window to aid with text alignment; it indicates the current column. Ruler can be shown/hidden using the Preferences menu, or using Shift+Right-click on the Row/Col display in the Status Bar. Highlight Alignment Column now highlights the column before the cursor rather than after the cursor to match the new ruler
  • New HTML title format: book title followed by | Project Gutenberg
  • Ebookmaker version 0.12.25 included - minimum chunk size = 256KB
  • Colored labels at top of Footnote Check dialog can be clicked to make that error type high priority in the list displayed below, to help with
    the situation where footnote has more than one error
  • Spell Query results can now be sorted alphabetically or by line number
  • Find Block Markup submenu added to Search menu
  • Search/Replace dialog can be kept on top, like Word Frequency, in Preferences->Appearance menu

Bug Fixes

  • Aspell dictionary names containing non-word characters, e.g. de-1901 could not be used. Note the fix means multiple languages can now only be separated by spaces, commas, or plus signs, e.g. en, fr
  • Apply Poetry Markup to Selection could delete some characters when the poem text had not been indented
  • Word Frequency could report false Emdash suspects if there was an emdash before a hyphenated word
  • The autotable class defaulted to padding of 4px. Values ending in px are stripped by ebookmaker resulting in loss of padding. CSS header now defaults to 0.25em
  • Corrupt page markers in the bin file could cause errors when exporting prep text files
  • The last few lines in a text file were sometimes not converted to HTML during Autogenerate
  • Consecutive closing block markup or a footnote anchor at the end of a footnote could cause syntax errors in the generated HTML
  • Nested blockquote markup was not wrapped correctly
  • Trying to center a line that was longer than the available space between the left and right margin during rewrap caused an error message.
  • When the quote following an index entry was a single quote, the first page number was not hyperlinked as it would be for a double quote
  • Page markers immediately following closing block markup could cause an extra blank line to be inserted
  • Closing illo caption markup that immediately followed C/ or R/ was centered or right-aligned instead of remaining at left margin


09 Dec 20:49
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1.5.1 contains a few small changes, including the use of the HTML5 elements figure and figcaption for illustrations. Users who utilized the Copy Settings From A Release and header_user.txt features when upgrading to 1.5.0 should not need to manually copy across files or settings when upgrading to 1.5.1. If upgrading from a pre-1.5 release and you want to take advantage of these features, see the 1.5.0 release notes, the manual, or this forum post for more details.

For details of significant changes and bug fixes between releases, view included with the release, or the Changelog on the Distributed Proofreaders wiki, which also has links to the relevant sections of the Guiguts Manual.


  • HTML5 figure and figcaption elements now used for illos
  • Page break code inserted in HTML whenever 4 blank lines are seen
  • Further improvement to word selection, e.g. by double clicking
  • Ebookmaker version 0.12.23 included - handles &NoBreak; character; warns about empty img alt tags; improved cover handling; miscellaneous bug fixes
  • Attempt to warn user if anti-virus software blocks a tool from running
  • Default extension when importing TIA OCR is now .gz

Bug Fixes

  • Uninitialized variable error could occur running ebookmaker
  • Aborting epub creation prematurely left busy cursor showing


27 Oct 18:58
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A significant change in release 1.5.0 is that Guiguts now generates HTML5 without XML serialization and includes the necessary updated HTML checker as well as the EPUBChecker tool. It also contains a new Spell Query tool that does not rely on the installation of Aspell. In addition, the process of upgrading between releases has been made simpler by allowing releases to share the important configuration files. All reported bugs have also been fixed.

For details of significant changes and bug fixes between releases, view included with the release, or the Changelog on the Distributed Proofreaders wiki, which also has links to the relevant sections of the Guiguts Manual.


  • New Spell Query tool checks spelling, reporting queries in similar way to
    jeebies, bookloupe, etc. Similar buttons to old spell check dialog allow
    each query to be handled. Hover over buttons to see which combination of
    Shift/Ctrl with Left/Right click can be used as shortcut. If spelling
    occurs more often than the threshold (default 3), it is not reported.
    Use Alt+Left click to pop the Search dialog to search for the queried word.
  • Spell Query also handles multiple languages - set the language to a list
    of language names using the status bar, or the File/Project menu.
    English, French and German dictionaries are included with the release.
  • Word Frequency's Check Spelling button now uses Spell Query instead of
  • New W3C EPUBCheck tool added to HTML menu. User selects the epub to be
    checked, and results are shown in standard errorcheck dialog
  • Generated HTML5 does not use XML serialization, i.e. void elements are not
  • The Nu XHTML Checker entry in the HTML menu has been removed
  • New Copy Errors button in tool dialogs (EPUBCheck, bookloupe, etc.)
    copies the contents of the errors list to the copy/paste clipboard
  • Combining Characters now available in Compose Sequences, e.g. +~ for
    combining tilde above; _~ for combining tilde below
  • Additional compose sequences added for precomposed vowels with macron and
    long ess character.
  • Help dialog descriptions clarify easily-confused compose sequences
  • New Character Tool menu entry to convert the selected text to
    Unicode Normalization Form C, which is necessary for HTML to validate
  • New \IP extension added to regex syntax which is replaced with the
    current page label
  • New Rejoin Rows button in ASCII Table Effects dialog takes a table with
    one cell per line and a blank line to mark rows, and converts it to a
    table with double space separators for cells, and all the cells from each
    table row on a single text line
  • Latest ebookmaker version (0.12.20) included - now creates epub3 and kf8
    files in addition to epub2 and mobi files
  • Latest Nu validator version (22.9.29) included - reports closed void elements
  • Next Occurrence button in Stealth Scannos dialog now searches backward
    if clicked while holding down Shift key, just like Search button in
    Search & Replace dialog
  • Shortcuts and regex help now links to manual pages
  • Minor wording improvements for some highlighting buttons
  • Improvement to CSS for centered poetry using display:flex
  • Minor improvement to pagenum CSS in default header
  • File Open dialog now displays files with .xhtml extension
  • Improvements to installation procedure and instructions for Mac users
  • Use Command key in place of Alt key in keyboard shortcuts on Macs
  • Cmd-up/down key bindings added to match usual Mac behavior
  • Optional command line argument --home added to specify the directory
    where persistent data files, such as setting.rc, will be stored,
    instead of under the release. If --home is not specified, and the
    default home directory exists, data files from there will be used.
    If default home directory does not exist, historical file locations
    under the release are used. Default home directory is in
    HOME/Documents/GGprefs on Windows/Mac systems and HOME/.GGprefs
    on Linux.
  • New Copy Settings From A Release button added to the
    Preferences/File Paths menu to facilitate setup of default home
    directory. Normally used just once, this copies settings files from
    the chosen release into the default home directory location, from
    where they will be used by the current and all future releases.
  • Optional command line argument --nohome added to force usage of
    setting.rc and similar files from under the release, rather than
    the default or specified home directory (primarily for testing)
  • If header_user.txt exists, then instead of including header.txt
    at the top of an HTML file, headerdefault.txt is included, with
    the contents of header_user.txt inserted at the end of the CSS
    section. A user's customization can therefore be retained from one
    release to another, as well as any changes in headerdefault.txt
  • Mac Command key can be used in place of Alt key in keyboard

Bug Fixes

  • Word Frequency was failing for Mac users
  • Several issues hindered running of jeebies on a Mac
  • HTML generation could loop forever converting footnotes
  • HTML generation could misplace the closing <\div> for a group of footnotes
    if footnote contained blockquotes
  • Some ampersands were not converted to HTML entities during HTML generation
  • Navigating, selecting and deleting by whole words was inconsistent:
    • Apostrophes now considered part of a word
    • Use keyboard Ctrl+Left/Right arrow for move; add Shift to select
    • Use double Mouse-1 to select words; drag or Shift+double Mouse-1 to
      extend selection
    • Use Ctrl+Delete/Backspace to delete word forward/backward
  • Ctrl-Alt-s scratchpad shortcut did not work - removed feature entirely
  • Using Save instead of Save As to save a new file could cause a crash
  • Filename was not displayed correctly in Save a Copy As dialog
  • Import Prep Text Files did not import files with a space in their names
  • User's customized scannos folder location got reset when Guiguts was
    restarted if the name of the folder ended in scannos, e.g. myscannos
    Such names are now retained, though the exact name scannos must still
    not be used
  • Default locations for Aspell and XnView were unsuitable for Mac systems
  • Set File Paths/Locate Scannos button failed on Mac systems
  • Right-clicking to configure buttons at top of HTML markup dialog could
    generate multiple errors


07 May 11:36
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The main change in release 1.4.0 is that Guiguts now generates HTML5, and includes the necessary updated HTML and CSS checkers. It also supports new center- and right-align block markup, as well as accepting Abbyy OCR file import from the Internet Archive. All reported bugs have also been fixed.

For details of significant changes and bug fixes between releases, view included with the release, or the Distributed Proofreaders wiki, which also has links to the relevant sections of the Guiguts Manual.


  • HTML generation now generates HTML5 with XML serialization
  • Convert user's customized header.txt file to HTML5 if it has HTML4 header
  • W3C Nu HTML checker is bundled instead of the old HTML validator
  • Bundled version of W3C CSS validator updated to latest release
  • Linux/Mac users - note that Guiguts now always outputs DP-style line endings (CRLF) when saving the main text file, even on non-Windows platforms
  • Text and HTML files always use utf-8 encoding
  • Unicode Character Search dialog shows decimal ordinal as well as hex
  • Respect non-breaking spaces when wrapping text file
  • New Import TIA Abbyy OCR File to enable PMs to use TIA scans without needing to purchase OCR software
  • New /C...C/ markup centers lines during rewrapping and HTML generation
  • New /R...R/ markup shifts block of lines to right margin (preserving indentation) during rewrapping and HTML generation
  • PPVimage checks against the new recommended cover image size (1600x2560)
  • Find Next/Previous ... Block entries removed from Search menu

Bug Fixes

  • Install documentation had out-of-date list of perl modules
  • MacOS installation was failing due to change in homebrew install syntax
  • Uninitialized variable error was output when trying to add words to project dictionary for an unsaved file
  • Uninitialized variable error sometimes output when joining footnotes
  • Bookloupe error endquote missing punctuation was wrongly capitalised
  • Missing colon in footnote could cause uninitialised variable errors
  • DP subscript and superscript markup inside block markup might not be converted during HTML generation
  • Pagenums could misalign due to different text-indent values in the containing paragraphs
  • Bookloupe only ignored /*, /#, /$, reporting forward slash warnings for other rewrap markup
  • Conversion of fractions such as 1/2,000 failed
  • Inserting the same image twice from the HTML dialogs would cause duplicate HTML ids to be used - a suffix is now added to avoid this
  • Authors' names containing F or f were not extracted in the HTML generation if the name was on the same line as By
  • View in Browser button in HTML generation dialog did not display the recently-generated HTML - button removed, but identical option remains in Custom menu


15 Dec 19:27
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Release 1.3.3 includes a few additional features detailed below, as well as fixes to all bugs discovered in release 1.3.2. For details of significant changes and bug fixes since previous releases, view included with the release, or the Distributed Proofreaders wiki, which also has links to the relevant sections of the Guiguts Manual.


  • New Character Fill and Restore options added to ASCII Table dialog. These simplify some complex alignments, e.g. numbers aligned on decimal point and centered within a table column.
  • Undo/Redo feature improved in ASCII Table dialog
  • Latest production version of ebookmaker included (0.11.30).
  • Epub and mobi filenames are now based on the HTML filename, not the book title.
  • Curly quote search operations now wrap on reaching end of file
  • Wording on Footnote Check dialog clarified
  • Goto Label dialog is now case insensitive, so accepts uppercase Roman numerals
  • The pphtml tool now outputs the first line number where CSS was used if it is warning about it potentially being undefined.

Bug Fixes

  • Under Linux, a missing tool, e.g. bookloupe, caused a crash
  • When Word Frequency spellcheck was re-run, previously misspelled words were still reported, even though they had been corrected
  • Square brackets within sidenotes could cause HTML conversion to fail
  • Jeebies would hang if a word was longer than 50 characters
  • Newlines were not consistently included when . was used in a regex and $1 was used to indicate a parenthesised group
  • Index rewrapping could fail to include the first character on the first line of a page
  • Attempting to tidy inline footnotes caused them to be corrupted
  • An extra spacer line was added after the */ table markup when Space Out feature was used in the ASCII Table dialog
  • Markup /*[4] could be misinterpreted as a footnote anchor during First Pass
  • Unicode Character Search tool could error if ^, * or + were typed
  • Caret is now spelled correctly in bookloupe checks
  • Certain footnote layouts could cause HTML generation to loop forever
  • Custom Commands dialog added blank commands when cancelled
  • Occasional uninitialised variable errors were output by Custom Commands
  • Thought breaks at end of page could get rewrapped