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Dolibarr on Docker

Docker image for Dolibarr ERP & CRM Open source web suite.

Dolibarr is a modern software package to manage your organization's activity (contacts, quotes, invoices, orders, stocks, agenda, hr, expense reports, accountancy, ecm, manufacturing, ...).

More information

Available versions/tags on Docker


Very old Dolibarr versions may not be updated on docker hub, but you can always get them as standard zip package from Dolibarr official web site

Supported architectures

Linux x86-64 (amd64) and ARMv8 64-bit (arm64v8).

How to run this image ?

This image is based on the official PHP repository and the official Dolibarr repository. It is build using the tools saved in the Dolibarr docker build repository.

This image does not contains database, so you need to link it with a database container. Let's use Docker Compose to integrate it with MariaDB (you can also use MySQL if you prefer):

If you want to have a persistent database and dolibarr data files after reboot or upgrade, you must first create a directory /home/dolibarr_mariadb, /home/dolibarr_documents and /home/dolibarr_custom on your host to store persistent files, respectively, of the database, of the Dolibarr document files and of the installed external Dolibarr modules.

mkdir /home/dolibarr_mariadb /home/dolibarr_documents /home/dolibarr_custom;

Then, create a docker-compose.yml file as following:

# Edit this file then run 
# docker-compose up -d
# docker-compose logs

        image: mariadb:latest
            MYSQL_DATABASE: ${MYSQL_DATABASE:-dolidb}
            MYSQL_USER: ${MYSQL_USER:-dolidbuser}
            MYSQL_PASSWORD: ${MYSQL_PASSWORD:-dolidbpass}

            - /home/dolibarr_mariadb:/var/lib/mysql

    	# Choose the version of image to install
    	# dolibarr/dolibarr:latest (the latest stable version)
    	# dolibarr/dolibarr:develop
    	# dolibarr/dolibarr:x.y.z
        image: dolibarr/dolibarr:latest
            WWW_USER_ID: ${WWW_USER_ID:-1000}
            WWW_GROUP_ID: ${WWW_GROUP_ID:-1000}
            DOLI_DB_HOST: ${DOLI_DB_HOST:-mariadb}
            DOLI_DB_NAME: ${DOLI_DB_NAME:-dolidb}
            DOLI_DB_USER: ${DOLI_DB_USER:-dolidbuser}
            DOLI_DB_PASSWORD: ${DOLI_DB_PASSWORD:-dolidbpass}
            DOLI_URL_ROOT: "${DOLI_URL_ROOT:-}"
            DOLI_ADMIN_LOGIN: "${DOLI_ADMIN_LOGIN:-admin}"
            DOLI_CRON: ${DOLI_CRON:-0}
            DOLI_CRON_KEY: ${DOLI_CRON_KEY:-mycronsecurekey}
            DOLI_INIT_DEMO: ${DOLI_INIT_DEMO:-0}

            - "80:80"
            - mariadb
            - /home/dolibarr_documents:/var/www/documents
            - /home/dolibarr_custom:/var/www/html/custom

Then build and run all services (-d is to run in background).

sudo docker-compose up -d

If the "docker-compose" command is not available, you can replace it with the command "docker compose".

You can check the web and the mariadb containers are up and see logs with

sudo docker-compose ps

sudo docker-compose logs

Once the log shows that the start is complete (you should see a message "You can connect to your Dolibarr web application..."), go to to access to the new Dolibarr installation, first admin login is admin/admin (if you did not change default value previously in the docker-compose.yml file).

Note: If the host port 80 is already used, you can replace "80:80" with "xx:80" where xx a free port on the host. You will be able to access the Dolibarr using the URL

Other examples:

You can find several examples in the examples directory, such as:

Upgrading Dolibarr version and migrating DB

Warning: Only data stored into the persistent directories (see the section "volumes" of your docker-compose.yml) will not be lost after an upgrade of containers.

Remove the install.lock file located inside the container volume /var/www/documents using one of this method:

sudo docker exec nameofwebcontainer bash -c "rm -f /var/www/documents/install.lock"


sudo docker exec -it nameofwebcontainer bash

rm -f /var/www/documents/install.lock; exit

or if the document directory has been set as a persistent directory, you can do it from the host:

rm -f /home/dolibarr_documents/install.lock

Then download the updated version of containers and restart them.

sudo docker-compose pull

sudo docker-compose up -d

sudo docker-compose logs

Ensure that env DOLI_INSTALL_AUTO in your docker-compose.yml is set to 1 so it will migrate the Database to the new version, or you can prefer to use the standard way to upgrade Dolibarr through the web interface by calling the /install page.

Environment variables summary

You can use the following variables for a better customization of your docker-compose file.

Variable Default value Description
WWW_USER_ID ID of user www-data. ID will not changed if leave empty. During a development, it is very practical to put the same ID as the host user.
WWW_GROUP_ID ID of group www-data. ID will not changed if leave empty.
PHP_INI_UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE 2M PHP Maximum allowed size for uploaded files
PHP_INI_POST_MAX_SIZE 8M PHP Maximum size of POST data that PHP will accept.
PHP_INI_ALLOW_URL_FOPEN 0 Allow URL-aware fopen wrappers
DOLI_INSTALL_AUTO 1 1: The installation will be done during docker first boot
DOLI_INIT_DEMO 0 1: The installation will also load demo data during docker first boot
DOLI_PROD 1 1: Dolibarr will be run in production mode
DOLI_DB_TYPE mysqli Type of the DB server (mysqli, pgsql)
DOLI_DB_HOST mariadb Host name of the MariaDB/MySQL server
DOLI_DB_HOST_PORT 3306 Host port of the MariaDB/MySQL server
DOLI_DB_NAME dolidb Database name
DOLI_DB_USER dolidbuser Database user
DOLI_DB_PASSWORD dolidbpass Database user's password
DOLI_URL_ROOT http://localhost Url root of the Dolibarr installation
DOLI_ADMIN_LOGIN admin Admin's login created on the first boot
DOLI_ADMIN_PASSWORD admin Admin's initial password created on the first boot
DOLI_ENABLE_MODULES Comma-separated list of modules to be activated at install. modUser will always be activated. (Ex: Societe,Facture,Stock). Modules can't be activated correctly if DOLI_COMPANY_NAME and DOLI_COMPANY_COUNTRYCODE are not set
DOLI_COMPANY_NAME Set the company name of Dolibarr at container init
DOLI_COMPANY_COUNTRYCODE Set the company and Dolibarr country at container init. Need 2-letter codes like "FR", "GB", "US",...
DOLI_AUTH dolibarr Which method is used to connect users, change to ldap or ldap, dolibarr to use LDAP
DOLI_LDAP_HOST The host of the LDAP server
DOLI_LDAP_PORT 389 The port of the LDAP server
DOLI_LDAP_VERSION 3 The version of LDAP to use
DOLI_LDAP_SERVER_TYPE openldap The type of LDAP server (openLDAP, Active Directory, eGroupWare)
DOLI_LDAP_LOGIN_ATTRIBUTE uid The attribute used to bind users
DOLI_LDAP_DN ou=users,dc=my-domain,dc=com The base where to look for users
DOLI_LDAP_FILTER The filter to authorise users to connect
DOLI_LDAP_BIND_DN The complete DN of the user with read access on users
DOLI_LDAP_BIND_PASS The password of the bind user
DOLI_LDAP_DEBUG false Activate debug mode
DOLI_CRON 0 1: Enable cron service
DOLI_CRON_KEY Security key launch cron jobs
DOLI_CRON_USER Dolibarr user used for cron jobs
DOLI_INSTANCE_UNIQUE_ID Secret ID used as a salt / key for some encryption. By default, it is set randomly when the docker container is created.

Some environment variables are compatible with docker secrets behaviour, just add the _FILE suffix to var name and point the value file to read. Environment variables that are compatible with docker secrets:


Advanced setup

Add post-deployment and before starting scripts

It is possible to execute *.sh, *.sql and/or *.php custom files at the end of a deployment or before starting Apache by mounting volumes. For scripts to execute during deployment, mount volume in /var/www/scripts/docker-init.d. For scripts to execute before Apache start, mount volume in /var/www/scripts/before-starting.d.

|- custom_script.sql
|- custom_script.php

Mount the volumes with compose file :

        image: mariadb:latest
            MYSQL_DATABASE: ${MYSQL_DATABASE:-dolidb}
            MYSQL_USER: ${MYSQL_USER:-dolidbuser}
            MYSQL_PASSWORD: ${MYSQL_PASSWORD:-dolidbpass}

    	# Choose the version of image to install
    	# dolibarr/dolibarr:latest (the latest stable version)
    	# dolibarr/dolibarr:develop
    	# dolibarr/dolibarr:x.y.z
        image: dolibarr/dolibarr
            DOLI_DB_HOST: ${DOLI_DB_HOST:-mariadb}
            DOLI_DB_NAME: ${DOLI_DB_NAME:-dolidb}
            DOLI_DB_USER: ${DOLI_DB_USER:-dolidbuser}
            DOLI_DB_PASSWORD: ${DOLI_DB_PASSWORD:-dolidbpass}
            DOLI_URL_ROOT: "${DOLI_URL_ROOT:-}"
            DOLI_ADMIN_LOGIN: "${DOLI_ADMIN_LOGIN:-admin}"
            DOLI_CRON: ${DOLI_CRON:-0}
            DOLI_CRON_KEY: ${DOLI_CRON_KEY:-mycronsecurekey}
            DOLI_INIT_DEMO: ${DOLI_INIT_DEMO:-0}
            WWW_USER_ID: ${WWW_USER_ID:-1000}
            WWW_GROUP_ID: ${WWW_GROUP_ID:-1000}
        volumes :
          - volume-scripts:/var/www/scripts/docker-init.d
          - before-starting-scripts:/var/www/scripts/before-starting.d
            - "80:80"
            - mariadb

Tuning the apache configuration to suit you


If you run apache2ctl configtest inside the container you'll probably get a message like this:

AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using x.y.z.w Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message

Easy fix, create a single text file

Contents: "ServerName"

Mountpoint: "/etc/apache2/conf-enabled/servername.conf"

read-only: Yes, mount it read only with :ro

Running your dolibarr behind a proxy?

If you want Dolibarr or the logs from the dolibarr container to reveal the original IP address and not just the proxy's IP address you should create 2 text files:

remoteip.load This file will load the apache module remoteip

Contents: "LoadModule remoteip_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/"

Mountpoint: "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/remoteip.load"

read-only: Yes, mount it read only with :ro

remoteip.conf This file will contain the configuration for remoteip and should also be bind mounted read-only inside the container. Content will depend on your proxy and which kind of header it uses. You may perhaps also enable the proxy protocol, read more at

Example content: "RemoteIPHeader X-Forwarded-For"

Mountpoint: "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/remoteip.conf"

Support for PostgreSQL

Setting DOLI_DB_TYPE to pgsql enable Dolibarr to run with a PostgreSQL database. When set to use pgsql, Dolibarr must be installed manually on it's first execution:

  • Browse to;
  • Follow the installation setup;
  • Add install.lock inside the container volume /var/www/html/documents (ex docker-compose exec services-data_dolibarr_1 /bin/bash -c "touch /var/www/html/documents/install.lock").

When setup this way, to upgrade version the use of the web interface is mandatory:

  • Remove the install.lock file (ex docker-compose exec services-data_dolibarr_1 /bin/bash -c "rm -f /var/www/html/documents/install.lock").
  • Browse to;
  • Upgrade DB;
  • Add install.lock inside the container volume /var/www/html/documents (ex docker-compose exec services-data_dolibarr_1 /bin/bash -c "touch /var/www/html/documents/install.lock").

Trouble shooting

If you get error "urllib3.exceptions.URLSchemeUnknown: Not supported URL scheme http+docker" during docker-compose, try to upgrade or downgrade the pip package: pip install requests==2.31.0