- To preview pdf files you need to install
. - To preview video files you need to install
. - To preview Office files as pictures you need to install activestorage-office-previewer by basecamp
Add administrate-field-active_storage
and image_processing
to your Gemfile (Rails 6+):
gem "administrate-field-active_storage"
gem "image_processing"
for Rails 5.x use the following
gem "administrate-field-active_storage", "0.1.8"
$ bundle install
Assuming your model name is Model
and field name is attachment
class ModelDashboard < Administrate::BaseDashboard
attachment: Field::ActiveStorage,
# ...
Then add :attachment
Adding :attachment
will work but will probably look too big.
Assuming your model name is Model
and field name is attachments
the process is identical the only issue is that the form field isn't being permitted, in order to permit it we apply the following method to the dashboard:
class ModelDashboard < Administrate::BaseDashboard
attachments: Field::ActiveStorage,
# ...
# permitted for has_many_attached
def permitted_attributes(_action = nil)
super + [:attachments => []]
I know it is not ideal, if you have a workaround please submit a PR.
Note: Rails 6 introduced a new config to determine the behavior on updates to has_many_attached
. Setting Rails.application.config.active_storage.replace_on_assign_to_many
to true
will overwrite any existing values (purging the old ones), and setting it to false
will append the new values. Please note that this configuation was deprecated with Rails 7.1
config.active_storage.replace_on_assign_to_many is deprecated and will be removed in Rails 7.1. Make sure that your code works well with config.active_storage.replace_on_assign_to_many set to true before upgrading. To append new attachables to the Active Storage association, prefer using attach. Using association setter would result in purging the existing attached attachments and replacing them with new ones.
This means that in Rails 7 for has_many_attached
, whenever a form is submitted, all associations to existing attachments are being removed without the ActiveStorage objects being deleted. This is undesired behavior because you have to re attach every time you update an object and it will result in orphaned ActiveStorage objects. To fix this and to add the ability to add more attachments to an existing set of attachments, follow this workaround. In short, you can create a concern:
# app/models/concerns/append_to_has_many_attached.rb
module AppendToHasManyAttached
def self.[](fields)
Module.new do
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
fields = Array(fields).compact_blank # will always return an array ( worst case is an empty array)
fields.each do |field|
field = field.to_s # We need the string version
define_method :"#{field}=" do |attachables|
attachables = Array(attachables).compact_blank
if attachables.any?
attachment_changes[field] =
ActiveStorage::Attached::Changes::CreateMany.new(field, self, public_send(field).public_send(:blobs) + attachables)
And then load this concern in your model:
class Model < ApplicationModel
include AppendToHasManyAttached['files'] # you can include it before or after, order does not matter, explanation below
has_many_attached :files
Please note, it does not matter if you prepend or include the module, see original post for details.
In order to prevent N+1 queries from active storage you have to modify your admin model controller, below an example for a model called User
and with attached avatars
module Admin
class UsersController < ApplicationController
def scoped_resource
expects the presence of a route
DELETE /<namespace>/<resource>/:id/:attachment_name
, which will receive an optional parameter
in the case of an ActiveStorage::Attached::Many
. For instance:
# routes.rb
namespace :admin do
resources :users do
delete :avatars, on: :member, action: :destroy_avatar
# app/controllers/admin/users_controller.rb
module Admin
class UsersController < ApplicationController
# For illustrative purposes only.
# **SECURITY NOTICE**: first verify whether current user is authorized to perform the action.
def destroy_avatar
avatar = requested_resource.avatars.find(params[:attachment_id])
redirect_back(fallback_location: requested_resource)
For has_one_attached
cases, you will use:
# routes.rb
namespace :admin do
resources :users do
delete :avatar, on: :member, action: :destroy_avatar
# app/controllers/admin/users_controller.rb
module Admin
class UsersController < ApplicationController
# For illustrative purposes only.
# **SECURITY NOTICE**: first verify whether current user is authorized to perform the action.
def destroy_avatar
avatar = requested_resource.avatar
redirect_back(fallback_location: requested_resource)
This route can be customized with destroy_url
. The option expects a proc
receiving 3 arguments:
the Administrate namespace
, the resource
, and the attachment
. The proc can return anything
accepted by link_to
# routes.rb
delete :custom_user_avatar_destroy, to: 'users#destroy_avatar'
# user_dashboard.rb
class UserDashboard < Administrate::BaseDashboard
avatars: Field::ActiveStorage.with_options(
destroy_url: proc do |namespace, resource, attachment|
[:custom_user_avatar_destroy, { attachment_id: attachment.id }]
# ...
# ...
Various options can be passed to Administrate::Field::ActiveStorage#with_options
as illustrated below:
class ModelDashboard < Administrate::BaseDashboard
attachments: Field::ActiveStorage.with_options(index_display_preview: false),
# ...
# ...
Display attachment preview.
Defaults to true
Displays the first attachment (which is the only attachment in case of has_one
in the index
Defaults to true
If true, will show only the preview in the index
action, and not the filename or destroy link (if set).
Indicate the size of the image preview for the index
and show
actions, respectively.
Refer to mini_magic#resize_to_limit
for documentation.
Default to [150, 150]
and [800, 800]
, respectively.
Use a named variant for image preview for the index
and show
actions, respectively.
Named image variants were added in Rails 7.
It might be necessary to add to app/assets/config/manifest.js:
//= link 'administrate-field-active_storage/application.css'
When set, this takes precedence over index_preview_size
and show_preview_size
Setting this to false
displays original images instead of variants.
Defaults to nil
Displays the number of attachments in the index
Defaults to true
if number of attachments is not 1.
The file_field_options
is a configuration option that allows you to customize the behavior and appearance of the file input field used for uploading attachments. You can pass various options to file_field
to control its functionality.
The multiple
HTML attribute for file input fields is set by default based on ::ActiveStorage::Attached::Many
, but can be overridden through this option.
The direct
attribute to enable direct uploads is set to read from the field options, but can be overridden through this option.
Enables direct upload from the browser to the cloud.
Defaults to false
Don't forget to include ActiveStorage JavaScript. You can use rails generate administrate:assets:javascripts
to be able to customize Administrate JavaScripts in your application.
You can see translation example here.
- upload single file
- adding image support through url_for to support 3rd party cloud storage
- use html 5 video element for video files
- use html audio element for audio files
- download link to other files
- preview videos
- preview pdfs
- upload multiple files
- find a way to delete attachments
- preview office files as pictures
- contributors are welcome (code, suggestions, and bugs).
- please test your code:
cd test_app && bundle && bundle exec rails test
. - please document your code.
- add your name to the
Based on the Administrate::Field::Image template, and inspired by Administrate::Field::Paperclip.