a passionate developer building projects with modern web technologies. I enjoy crafting web applications, and continuously learning new technologies to enhance my skills.
📖 Studies at Colegio de Montalban
🛠️ I am currently crafting a backend with Go.
type Profile struct {
Name string
About string
CurrentProject struct {
Name string
Repository String
URL string
Desc string
Contact []struct {
Type string
Info string
Tools map[string][]string
dyastin := Profile{
Name: "Justine Paralejas",
About: "I enjoy crafting web apps.",
CurrentProject: struct {
Name string
Repository string
URL string
Desc string
Name: "Filespace",
Repository: "https://github.com/Dyastin-0/filespace",
URL: "https://filespace.dyastin.tech",
Desc: "A simple cloud storage.",
Contact: []struct {
Type string
Info string
{Type: "Email", Info: "[email protected]"},
Tools: map[string][]string{
"Backend": {
"Node.js", "Express", "Go", "Socket.IO", "MongoDB", "Firebase",
"Frontend": {
"React", "Vite", "Framer Motion", "Tailwind CSS",
"Data Fetching": {
"SWR", "Axios",
"DevOps": {
"AWS EC2", "Google Compute Engine", "Caddy",
"Version Control": {
"Git", "GitHub",