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Dynamo Splash Screen





Dynamo SplashScreen WebApp which is leveraged in Dynamo. This can also be leveraged by any products that needs a splash screen.


For development, you will only need Node.js and a node global package, installed in your environement.


  • Node installation on Windows

    Just go on official Node.js website and download the LTS installer. Also, be sure to have git available in your PATH, npm might need it (You can find git here).

  • Node installation on Ubuntu

    You can install nodejs and npm easily with apt install, just run the following commands.

    sudo apt install nodejs
    sudo apt install npm
  • Other Operating Systems

    You can find more information about the installation on the official Node.js website and the official NPM website.

If the installation was successful, you should be able to run the following command (version outputs are just examples).

$ node --version

$ npm --version

If you need to update npm, you can make it using npm!

npm install npm -g


cd SplashScreen
npm install --force

Running the project

npm run start

Simple build for development

npm run build

Simple build for production

npm run bundle


We use ESlint to analyze and find problems. It has integrations for various editors and other tools.

  • To find problems

    npm run lint:check
  • To fix problems

    npm run lint:fix

Generate Third Party License Info

  • to generate about box html files use npm run generate_license, this will output alternative about box files to license_output/ One will contain the full transitive production dep list, the other will contain the direct production deps.
  • These files will be packed into the released npm package

Bump Version

npm run version:patch   # To bump patch version