Project Statistical Models of the Emotionality of Speech and Written Text (2011-2014) was supported by the National Programme for Estonian Language Technology (2011-2017) of the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research.
This is a program classifying an Estonian text as positive, neutral or negative. It is running on server
This code is optimized for server environment but can be run also as a standalone program:
python textfile.txt
This will produce a file textfile.txt.html where all emotionally relevant word are marked with CSS style. The limitation is that it does not print out the summary information. As a prerequisite the NLTK must be installed on the computer.
- valence/korpus.csv - corpus for training the NLTK model
- valence/sqnad.csv - dictionary of Estonian words
- valence/ - NLTK wrapper
- valence/ - main program
If you use the corpora valence/korpus.csv, valence/sqnad.csv in your work, please cite the following paper:
Pajupuu, Hille; Altrov, Rene; Pajupuu, Jaan (2016). Identifying polarity in different text types. Folklore. Electronic Journal of Folklore, 64, 25−42. DOI PDF