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Progress of my learning of the C language from both textbook programming projects and other inspirations.

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This repository serves as both file storage and as an indicator of my progress as I learn about computer science and low-level programming through the C language. I used K.N. King's C Programming: A Modern Approach - Second Edition to learn C and program small projects. It includes a complete list of all the programming projects I've completed from C Programming: A Modern Approach - Second Edition as well as some small, other projects I've done. These are found under Other Small Projects.

Note: The author only provides answers to an extremely limited number of problems so the code I've uploaded is all mine and mine alone. Files under *Given Examples* are C files of completed examples provided in the textbook.

You can find a list of all the the project topics I've done, which correspond to a C file in the repository, below:

Chapter 1 - Introducing C


  1. Displays a checkmark
  2. Computes the volume of a sphere with a 10-meter radius
  3. [Chapter 1/02.c v2] Prompts the user to enter the radius of the sphere
  4. Displays a user-inputted dollar-and-cents amount with 5% tax
  5. Displays the value of a polynomial using a user-inputted value for x
  6. [Chapter 1/05.c v2] Uses Horner's Rule to evaluate the polynomial faster
  7. Shows how to pay a user-inputted dollar amount using the smallest number of $20, $10, $5, and $1 bills
  8. Calculates the remaining balance on a loan after the first, second, and third monthly payments
  1. Converts a user-inputted mm/dd/yyyy date into yyyymmdd
  2. Formats product information entered by the user
  3. Breaks down an ISBN entered by the user
  4. Converts a user-inputted (xxx) xxx-xxxx telephone number into the form
  5. Displays the numbers 1-16 in a 4 by 4 arrangement according to the user-inputted order followed by the sums of the rows, columns, and diagonals
  6. [Given Examples/addfrac.c v2] Computes the sum of two user-inputted fractions separated by a '+' sign
  1. Prints a two-digit user-inputted number with its digits reversed
  2. [Chapter 4/01.c v2] Handles three-digit numbers
  3. [Chapter 4/01.c v3] Prints the reversal of a three-digit number without using arithmetic to split the number into digits
  4. Reads an integer entered by the user and displays it in octal (base 8)
  5. [Given Examples/upc.c v2] Computes the check digit of a user-inputted 11-digit UPC
  6. [Given Examples/upc.c v3] Computes the check digit of a user-inputted 13-digit EAN
  1. Calculates how many digits a user-inputted number contains
  2. Displays a user-inputted 24-hour time in 12-hour form
  3. [Given Examples/broker.c v2] Asks the user to enter the # of shares and $/share and additionally computes the commission charged by a rival broker
  4. Provides a description of a user-inputted wind speed (in knots) according to the Beaufort scale
  5. Displays the tax due on user-inputted taxable income
  6. [Given Examples/upc.c v4] Checks whether a UPC is valid
  7. Finds the largest and smallest of four user-inputted integers
  8. Displays the departure and arrival times for the flight whose departure time is closest to that entered by the user
  9. Indicates which of two user-inputted dates comes earlier on the calendar
  10. Converts a numerical grade into a letter grade using the switch statement
  11. Prints the English word of a user-inputted two-digit number
  1. Finds the largest in a series of user-inputted numbers
  2. Calculates and displays the GCD of two integers
  3. Reduces a user-inputted fraction to lowest terms
  4. [Given Examples/broker.c v3] Uses a loop so that the user can enter more than one trade to calculate the commission on each
  5. [Chapter 4/01.c v4] Displays a user-inputted number with any number of digits with its digits reversed
  6. Prints all even squares between 1 and a user-inputted number n
  7. [Given Examples/square.c v2] Uses a for loop to initalize i, test i, and increment i without using multiplication
  8. Prints a one-month calendar according to user-inputted # of days in a month and day of the week on which the month begins
  9. [Chapter 2/08.c v2] Asks user to enter the # of payments and then displays the balance remaining after each of these payments
  10. [Chapter 5/09.c v2] Determines which of any number of user-inputted dates comes earlier on the calendar
  11. Approximates Euler's number by computing the value of 1 + 1/1! + 1/2! + 1/3! + ... + 1/n! where n is an integer entered by the user
  12. [Chapter 6/11.c v2] Program continues adding terms to compute Euler's number until the current term becomes less than ε, where ε is a small (floating-point) number entered by the user
  1. [Given Examples/square2.c v2] Experimentation with different int types to determine the number of bits used to store integer types on my machine
  2. [Given Examples/square2.c v3] Pauses every 24 squares and uses getchar to pause until the user presses Enter
  3. [Given Examples/sum2.c v2] Sums a series of double values
  4. Translates an alphabetic phone number into numeric form
  5. Computes the value of a user-inputted word according to the values of the SCRABBLE Crossword Game
  6. Prints the values of sizeof(int), sizeof(short), sizeof(long), sizeof(float), sizeof(double), sizeof(long double)
  7. [Chapter 3/06.c v2] Allows the user to add, subtract, multiplie, or divide two fractions
  8. [Chapter 5/08.c v2] User enters a time using the 12-hour clock which will have the form hours:minutes followed by either A, P, AM, or PM, with either lower-case, upper-case, and white space allowed
  9. Displays a user-inputted 12-hour time in 24-hour form with input format identical to Chapter 7/08.c
  10. Counts the number of vowels in a user-inputted sentence
  11. Takes a user-inputted first name and last name and displays the last name, a comma, and the first initial, followed by a period
  12. Evaluates a user-inputted expression of any length from left to right which includes the +, -, *, and / operators
  13. Calculates the average word length for a user-inputted sentence
  14. Uses Newton's method to compute the square root of a positive floating-point number
  15. Factorial Experimentation
    • Uses a short variable to store the value of a factorial of a user-inputted positive integer; tests for the largest value for which the program correctly prints its factorial
    • Uses an int variable to store the value of a factorial of a user-inputted positive integer; tests for the largest value for which the program correctly prints its factorial
    • Uses a long variable to store the value of a factorial of a user-inputted positive integer; tests for the largest value for which the program correctly prints its factorial
    • Uses a long long variable to store the value of a factorial of a user-inputted positive integer; tests for the largest value for which the program correctly prints its factorial
    • Uses a float variable to store the value of a factorial of a user-inputted positive integer; tests for the largest value for which the program correctly prints its factorial
    • Uses a double variable to store the value of a factorial of a user-inputted positive integer; tests for the largest value for which the program correctly prints its factorial
    • Uses a long double variable to store the value of a factorial of a user-inputted positive integer; tests for the largest value for which the program correctly prints its factorial
  1. [Given Examples/repdigit.c v2] Displays repeated digits in a user-inputted number
  2. [Given Examples/repdigit.c v3] Prints a table showing how many times a digit appears in a user-inputted number
  3. [Given Examples/repdigit.c v4] Allows user to enter more than one number to be tested for repeated digits
  4. [Given Examples/reverse.c v2] Uses (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]))
  5. [Given Examples/interest.c v2] Compounds interest monthly instead of annually but with the same, annual output
  6. Translates a user-inputted message into B1FF language
  7. Reads a 5 * 5 array of integers and then prints the row sums and the column sums
  8. [Chapter 8/07.c v2] Prompts for five quiz grades for each of five students, then computes the total score and average score for each student, and then the average score, high score, and low score for each quiz
  9. Generates a "random walk" of letters A-Z across a 10 * 10 array
  10. [Chapter 5/08.c v3] Departure times are stored in an array and the arrival times are stored in a second array
  11. [Chapter 7/04.c v2] Lables its output before printing the phone number in numeric form
  12. [Chapter 7/05.c v2] SCRABBLE values are stored in an array
  13. [Chapter 7/11.c v2] Labels its output before printing last name then first initial
  14. Reverses the words in a sentence
  15. Encryptes a user's message with the Caesar cipher by shifting letters according to a user-inputted number from 1-25
  16. Tests whether two words are anagrams
  17. Prints an n * n magic square (n is determined by user) in which the sums of the rows, columns, and diagonals are all the same
  1. Uses a selection sort with recursion to sort a series of integers
  2. [Chapter 5/05.c v2] Uses a function to compute the amount of income tax
  3. [Chapter 8/09.c v2] Uses functions to simplify the program
  4. [Chapter 8/16.c v2] Uses functions to simplify the program
  5. [Chapter 8/17.c v2] Uses functions to simplify the program
  6. Computes the value of a polynomial
  7. Recursive program that calculates the power function: xn
  1. Checks if a series of user-inputted parentheses/braces are properly nested using a stack
  2. Modified version of a textbook provided example of a Poker program but without the use of global arrays
  3. Modified version of a textbook provided example of a Poker program but with a singular array for all card storage
  4. Modified version of a textbook provided example of a Poker program but the program now recognizes a "royal flush"
  5. Modified version of a textbook provided example of a Poker program but the program now accepts an "ace-low"
  6. A calculator which uses the Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) system (implemented using a stack)
  7. Takes a user-inputted number and displays it in the seven-segment display style
  1. [Chapter 2/07.c v2] Determines the smallest number of bills to pay a dollar amount but with the use of pointers
  2. [Chapter 5/08.c v3] Finds the flight whose departure time is closed to a desired time but with pointers as parameters
  3. [Chapter 6/03.c v2] Reduces a fraction to lowest terms but with pointers as parameters
  4. Modified version of Poker program but with pointers
  1. Message Reversal:
    • Reverses a user-inputted message
    • Reverses a user-inputted message but with pointers
  2. Palindrome Checker:
    • Checks if a user-inputted message is a palindrome
    • Checks if a user-inputted message is a palindrome but with pointers
  3. Modified version of 1b) but with array names as pointers
  4. Modified version of 2b) but with array names as pointers
  5. [Chapter 8/14.c v2] Uses pointers to reverse a sentence
  6. Uses pointers instead of integers for a quick sort implementation
  7. Uses pointers to find the maximum and minimum of a set of numbers
  1. Find the smallest and largest in a series of words
  2. remind.c:
    • Calendar reminder program but with incorrect date checking
    • Calendar reminder program but with 24h system and sorting
    • Calendar reminder program but with a one-year reminder list
  3. Prints the full names of a hand of cards
  4. Reverses command-line arguments
  5. Adds up command-line arguments
  6. Checks if command-line arguments are names of planets without case sensitivity
  7. [Chapter 5/11.c v2] Prints the full English pronunciation of a number but with pointers to strings instead of a switch statement
  8. [Chapter 7/05.c v3] Returns a SCRABBLE value of a string
  9. [Chapter 7/10.c v2] Reverses a string with pointers
  10. [Chapter 7/11.c v3] Formats a user-inputted first and last name
  11. [Chapter 7/13.c v2] Computes the average length of the words in a sentence
  12. [Chapter 8/14.c v3] Reverses the words in a sentence using a two dimensional array
  13. [Chapter 8/15.c v2] Caesar cipher but with strings
  14. [Chapter 8/16.c v3] Checks if two user-inputted strings are anagrams
  15. [Chapter 10/06.c v2] Returns the RPN expression of a string
  16. [Chapter 12/01.c v2] Reverses string using pointers
  17. [Chapter 12/02.c v2] Checks if a message is a palindrome
  18. Reformats a user-inputted date using pointers to strings


Progress of my learning of the C language from both textbook programming projects and other inspirations.






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