Help Me Study Game
About the project: This program creates a game where you dodge obstacles and collect points using the right and left arrow keys.
Pre-Requisites: The version of python used to create this program was Python 3.10.2 The libraries used include pygame 2.1.2, flake8 4.0.1, pytest 7.1.0, pytest-mock 3.7.0. The required libraries are all inside requirements.txt and to install the dependencies, you can run the following code.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
How to run the program: Ensure that all the provided files are in the same folder. Run the "" to play the game. You may run the game with the following code: #assuming you are at the directory of
How the game works: After running the python file, the first screen will prompt the user to input a username. Press enter to continue
Following the login will be an instructions screen. Press space to continue
The Game will begin and users can only press the left and right arrow keys to move the character to the left or right respectively.
After the time is up, the game will end and a Game over screen will be displaced. Users can press L to see the leaderboard or press space to restart the game
If the user presses L, the leaderboard screen will show the users can press the "Esc" button to go back to the game over screen.
The program will run infinitely until the user clicks on the "X" button at the top right corner of the window. Pressing the "X" button at the top right corner of the window will close and end the program.
Running Tests: A basic test file has been provided named "". The test checks the core game logic and ensures that when the user presses the left or right arrow, the game executes the correct response. You can run the test filw using this code: #assuming the you are in the same file directory
pytest ./
Contributors: Edward, Jameela, Laura, Meryl, Shikhar
Removed background from images:
Helvetica Font downloaded from:
Pokemon Font downloaded from:
Suboleya Font downloaded from:
Game Background music ("rolla_costa.mp3") downloaded from:
Game Over sound effect ("game_over.wav") downloaded from:
Collect Book sound effect ("collect_books.wav") downloaded from:
Collect Obstacle sound effect ("negative-beeps.wav") downloaded from:
Movement sound effect ("movement.mp3") downloaded from:
Loading bar and Loading bar Background downloaded from :
Game over background image ("no_signal.jpg") downloaded from:
Login background image ("NUS.jpg") downloaded from: