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This repository was archived by the owner on Apr 8, 2021. It is now read-only.


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Reference :

We finally use Docker to handle the container stuff, so you will need ... docker to be able to write articles for the blog.

Launching hugo (watch mode)

First run

Make sure docker is running! Then:

make setup

Server launch

make watch

The blog is now available at http://localhost:1313/

(By default the french blog is loaded, you can easily switch to the english version by updating the locale in the url)

Writing a post


5 main categories are available in the content folder:

  • Infra (content/infra)
  • Dev (content/dev)
  • Elao (content/news)
  • Tech (content/tech)
  • Methods (content/methodo)

You must create your post inside one of them.

Create a new post


Simply create your markdown file (.md extension) into the chosen category (content/infra, content/dev ... ) And add the front matter skeleton:

type:           "post"
title:          "My title"
date:           "2015-01-16"
publishdate:    "2015-01-16"
draft:          false
slug:           "slug-of-my-post"
description:    "Description of my post."

thumbnail:      "/images/posts/thumbnails/path_to_file"
header_img:     "/images/posts/headers/path_to_file"
tags:           ["x", "y"]
categories:     ["x", "y"]

author_username:    "elao"

Header and thumbnail

The recommended formats for your post's illustrations are:

  • Header: 2000 × 600 (at least, but can be larger)
  • Thumbnail: 400 × 400

With Hugo

hugo new dev/

The new file is located at content/dev/


If you wish to write a post in english you need to include the locale as part of the filename like this:

Where to put my media files ?

All media files must be stored into static/images Media are moved when static files are built into the public directory. Be careful to the quality and size of the media, don't worry about optimization it's handled by the build/optimize tasks.

What about my article media ?

All media files linked to an article need to be stored into the static directory and more precisely into the static/images/posts (Grouped by year of publication) To display a media into a post, use Hugo shortcode figure like the following:

<p class="text-center">
    {{< figure class="text-center" src="/images/posts/2014/proxmox_partition_elao_1000.png" title="Partitionnement personnalisé" alt="Partitionnement-d-un-serveur-proxmox - Partitionnement personnalisé">}}

Code highlighting

Hugo is using Python Pygments package for code highlighting so you can highlight your code with the dedicated tag like this:

{{< highlight php >}}
    // Your code goes here ...
{{< /highlight >}}

⚠️ for PHP language, make sure you open a php tag <?php in order to obtain syntax coloration

Add a new author file

You need to add a new yaml file into data/authors with the following information:

  display_name: Elao
  short_bio:    ""
  long_bio:     ""
  job_title":   "Agence web experte Symfony"

  display_name: Elao
  short_bio:    ""
  long_bio:     ""
  job_title:    "Agence web experte Symfony"

  twitter:         Elao
  github:          Elao
  email:           [email protected]
  avatar:          ~
  google_plus_id:  "~"


You can generate a summary for your article by setting this variable in the header:

slug:           "my-article"
description:    "My article"
+ summary:        true
// or
+ summary:        3 // h1 to h3

The summary will be constructed based on all the titles in your article.

You can specify the maximum level of title to include in the summary: e.g. summary: 3 will include h1 to h3 titles.

Expose your current branch (for review)

Every branch pushed to remote origin is deployed to staging in order to share your work in progress with the rest of the team :


⚠️ The branch name is normalized :

  • all special characters such as _ are replaced with an hyphen (-)
  • slash-separated parts (/) are reversed and made dot-separated. Example: dev/vue-js-with-symfony will translate into

As an example, here is the staging URL for the master branch :

You have an old version of the docker image

If you have cloned the repository a long time ago, your docker image could be deprecated. In order to obtain the last version of the image, you can execute the following command: make update

Publish an article

Your post is ready to be published ? Create a PR and ask for review to a team member. Once it's done, you're ready for production.

Going to production

Ensure you have installed ansible deploy role:

ansible-galaxy install --roles-path deploy/roles --role-file deploy/roles/requirements.yaml --force

⚠️ The deploy tasks will first run the build (assets, image optimization, compiling blog posts to HTML, etc) locally and push compiled files to production from your local filesystem. So make sure that your current branch is master and that you are up-to-date with origin/master.

  git checkout master
  git pull


make deploy.production