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Animated collapsible view component for React Native based on react-native-collapsible


A simple component of a common use case of collapsible - a visible title with a collapsible view beneath it.

main features

  • Super simple API but fully customizable!
  • Arrow animation indicating whether the collapsible is expanded or not.
  • unmountOnCollapse property which unmount the collapsible when it is not expanded(very useful for performance! use wisely!).
  • Support both RTL and LTR languages(if not specified, default direction based on the device language is chosen).
  • State can be managed by other component(controlled) or independently(uncontrolled).
  • Fully supported on Android, iOS and Web!



collapsible-view1 2


play live on Snack!


$ npm install @eliav2/react-native-collapsible-view react-native-svg

// or with yarn
$ yarn add @eliav2/react-native-collapsible-view react-native-svg

you have to add react-native-svg as a direct dependency for your project so auto-linking will work properly. see details

Simple Usage

import React from "react";
import { Text } from "react-native";
import CollapsibleView from "@eliav2/react-native-collapsible-view";

export default () => {
  return (
    <CollapsibleView title="Simple Collapsible View">
      <Text>hey there!</Text>



can be string, or jsx element. in case of string a default styling is chosen. examples:

  • title={"Cool View"}
  • title={<Text style={{ color: "red", fontSize: 36, fontStyle: "italic" }}>Custom Styling</Text>}

default value: title=''


use this property to control the collapsible state by his parent(or some other component). if a value for expanded is given(true or false) - then his state is managed by his parent only(pressing on the collapsible directly will not toggle his state). if given - the collapsible considered as controlled(by other component),if not, the collapsible is uncontrolled(default). examples:

  • expanded={true}

default value: expanded = {null}


if true then the collapsible will be expanded on mounting. makes a difference only when uncontrolled. examples:

  • initExpanded={true}

default value: initExpanded = {false}


if true then the collapsible(beneath the title) will unmount when closing animation ends. can be very useful when considering performance! use wisely! examples:

  • unmountOnCollapse={true}

default value: unmountOnCollapse = {false}


can be true or false. set isRTL=true is your language is arabic or hebrew(text writing direction is RTL). if not specified, default direction based on the device language is chosen. Note - if you specify direction, the component will force that direction, means that if you provided isRTL=true but device language is not RTL language then the flexDirection will be flipped from 'row' to 'row-reverse' so the view will look good. examples:

  • isRTL={true}

default value: isRTL = "auto"


sets the animation duration of both collapsible element and the arrow rotation. examples:

  • duration = 4000

default value: duration = {300}


Object - This properties will be passed down to the collapsible element. These are the available properties. examples:

  • collapsibleProps={{ onAnimationEnd: () => alert("animation ended") }}

default value: collapsibleProps = {{}}


give custom style to the touchable containing the collapsible(the container). examples:

  • style={{ borderWidth: 0, backgroundColor: "#6495ED" }}

default value: style={{}}


determines the opacity level with the touchable is clicked. examples:

  • activeOpacityFeedback = {1} will disable any feedback.

default value: activeOpacityFeedback = {0.3}


A styling for the container of the collapsible(the entire expandable view beneath the title). can be useful in some cases, like implantation of pretty dropdown menu with absolute positioning(see example at the gif and snack demo above). examples:

  • collapsibleContainerStyle={{position: "absolute", top: "100%"}}

default value: collapsibleContainerStyle={{}}


object with the optional following properties:

  1. size {number} - how big the arrow will be.
  2. thickness {number} - how thick the arrow will be.
  3. color {string} - color of the arrow.
  4. rounded {boolean} - make the corners of the arrow rounded or not.
  5. polylineProps {object} - optional extra properties passed down to the react-native svg component drawing the arrow. can be used in advanced customization.
  6. svgProps {object} - same as polylineProps but passed to the svg canvas. for 5-6 properties see react-native-svg.


  • arrowStyling={{ size: 72, rounded: true, thickness: 12, color: "purple" }}
  • arrowStyling={{size: 72,thickness: 12,svgProps: { style: { backgroundColor: "yellow" } },polylineProps: { strokeLinejoin: "bevel" }}}

default value: arrowStyling={ size = 24,thickness = size / 16,color = "black",rounded = false,svgProps = {},polylineProps = {}}


if set to true the arrow indicating whether the collapsible-view is expanded or not will not be displayed. examples:

  • noArrow = {true}

default value: noArrow = {false}

titleStyle and titleProps

you can guess by the name. default value={}.


A styling for the touchable wrapper.


An object containing props for the touchable wrapper.

default value: {}


Pressable Component for the touchable wrapper.


  • TouchableComponent={TouchableHighlight}.

default value: TouchableComponent={TouchableOpacity}

