docker run -w /root -it --rm alpine:latest sh -uelic '
apk add git nodejs neovim ripgrep build-base wget --update
git clone ~/.config/nvim
nvim # prerequisites below are not included!
As more and more Vim presets emerge, many are prone to be spoiled for choices on their first glimpse at this whole new world. Nevertheless, every coin has two sides and each Vim setup has its pros and cons. Therefore, I would like to expose some shortcomings of NvChad that I have run into.
There is no doubt that the DIY process has provided me with a lot of fun. However, many troubles appeared.
- Built-in systems, such as Tabufline and Statusline, have produced a certain difficulty for customisation as you can only work with stringified modules.
- Lack of caveats and guides in the official doc, especially for the installation of LSP. The tiniest step can cause an entire butterfly effect. I still recall the 2 hours I spent trying to figure out my LSP malfunctions because I forgot to make them inherit the default config.
On second thought, it probably takes akin length of time to configure pure Nvim or other presets.
I greatly appreciate that Lazy (the plugin manager) has helped the performance by leaps. However, there are certain plugins that just can't follow the pace of me:
- nvim-tree.lua
GitHub Light is my all-day colour scheme alongside a heavily stripped VSCode statusline. It is not really as lacklustre for me as the above screenshot has shown. Thanks to my 80% opacity of Windows Terminal, with acrylic material disabled, I can read the documentation (or perhaps, loaf around) in the meantime of writing code.
Moreover, it is an attempt to boost my productivity by minimising the distractions, concerning this video:
go copy the link urself don't accuse me rickroll'in
This is also why there is so much stuff commented out for the statusline modules, such as the column number, which updates too often.
In case you are curious, my Windows Terminal colour scheme is One Half Light, with dimmed white / bright white mapped to /
and had the font be CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font.
- Nvim installed as an AppImage since the one on APT is outdated.
or you gotta spend 69 hours trying to figure out why Telescope hates you.ripgrep
in which I just treat it as the project-level search tool.
so rust-analyzer can cache.nmap
for gdtoolkit.- Possess a seasoned level of skill to exit Vim.
- m-demare/attempt.nvim Scratch files manager.
- echasnovski/mini.nvim The "Swiss Army knife".
- tpope/vim-sleuth Tab width adaptation.
- tpope/vim-abolish Advanced substitute.
- markonm/traces.vim Highlight and preview.
- nvim-telescope/telescope-ui-select.nvim UI for LSP code action.
- tzachar/cmp-tabnine GitHub Copilot alternative.