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Use polaris-logs easily in nestjs apps!

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Want to use polaris-logger in your nest js app?

You are welcome to use our PolarisNestLoggerModule!

Getting started

  • This module has to be used in a nestjs project, so make sure you have one, and that you have installed @nestjs/core & @nestjs/common
  • run npm install @enigmatis/polaris-nest-logger

Using the module

In your app.module, import the PolarisNestLoggerModule in one of the following ways:

using register method:

    imports: [PolarisNestLoggerModule.register(polarisNestLoggerOptions)],
export class AppModule{}

The options argument should be of type PolarisNestLoggerOptions.

using registerAsync method:

With registerAsync method you can provide a factory method that will return your configuration, so that the configuration can be generated dynamically using your own providers. For example:

    imports: [
            imports: [CommonModule],
            inject: [ApiConfigService],
            useFactory: async (apiConfigService: ApiConfigService): Promise<PolarisNestLoggerOptions> => {
                const applicationProperties: ApplicationProperties =;
                const loggerConfiguration: LoggerConfiguration = {...apiConfigService.config.logger, loggerLevel: apiConfigService.config.logger.level};
                return {applicationProperties, loggerConfiguration};
export class AppModule{}