Memoirify is simply an online markdown feature that supports nice features such as:
- Instant rendering for common elements, drag-and-drop fot images and a dark theme
- Resize the text content of the editor to the width that suits you
- Quick text highlighting and switching with shortcuts (ctrl+num)
- Viewing PDFs side by side with the editor
- Magical features to preprocess text (e.g., what I like to call streamlining text)
- Allows you to download your current edit of the markdown or start by editing an existing one on your machine
To run
npm install → npm start → new terminal
cd server → pip install -r requirements.txt → python3 server.py
It's a general purpose editor but my motivation to build this was to implement the streamlining text feature as shown in the end of the video. This feature useful in two cases: (i), you want to read a paragraph while your brain consumes less ATP molecules in less time or (ii), you are looking to thoroughly study some text (e.g., for a review).
Note that streamlining relies on text being well written for good results (e.g., good punctuation, low ambiguity, etc.). It's a simple approach without any deep learning or LLMs; although the later may be added in the future.
This project is currently a work in progress with an anticipated slow down. Some limitations that I may address in the long-term are:
- Prompt user for file name so it doesn't download as
- Eliminate Regex from the streamline implementation (inefficient)
- Project should be dockerized for easier execution (and possibly be deployed)
- Streamlining may fail if the text is not raw (e.g., highlighted or has links) or has special characters (e.g., >)
- Current highlighting is a little buggy (e.g., highlighting backwards). Nontrivial to improve but got to keep trying.
- Introduce LLMs for better streamlining (especially indenting), summarization, restructuring and other features
- More error handling in the backend