FATIP | Title | Status | Category | Author | Created |
X | Standard, Contributions, and Process Guidelines for the FAT Ecosystem | Final | Meta | Devon Katz <[email protected]> | 7-23-2018 |
FATIP-X is the initial standard that describes the core framework, conventions, contribution guidelines, and ecosystem of FATIP standards.
FATIP is a formal proposal and process for accepting and integrating new standards into the FAT standard collection.
FATIP provides an open forum for the community to collaborate on and accept new standards into the FAT ecosystem. FAT is completely open source, and we rely on our community to keep us pointed in the right direction.
Create your submission in a markdown file following the guidelines defined in FATIP-X and the FATIP Template
To submit your standard, fork this repo and then submit a pull request to have it reviewed and included for evaluation by the community.
Standards that define the basic building blocks, technology, and conventions that govern FATIP standards
Standards that define application level token functionality
Standards that define API architecture, conventions, and specs
Informal standards and informational resources about FATIP
Standards about FATIP standards, processes, etc.
The standard's information is sufficient to be reviewed by the community. This is essentially an "Intent to submit" a FATIP standard. The community member(s) submit a formatted pull request containing the preliminary version of the proposed standard.
- If reviewed and denied, the proposal may be revised and improved unless it is explicitly rejected
- If reviewed and approved it is assigned a FATIP number and other metadata. The proposal moves on to drafting.
The standard is in the progress of being revised. Follow up pull requests will be accepted to revise the standard until it is ready to go through the last call process
The token standard is open to final evaluation by the community and general public.
- If the standard requires further changes, it reverts to drafting again.
- If the proposal is approved and it is a Core, FAT, or Interface FATIP standard then it will move onto accepted.
- If the proposal is approved and it is an information standard then it will move onto final.
The go ahead for development is given and the standard is finalized. Implementation in clients and APIs can occur. When the community reaches consensus on the implementation's success, the status will change to final.
The proposal has been finalized and accepted by the community. The proposal is adorned with the final official prefix FAT, replacing the former FATIP prefix. Errata may be formally submitted following this stage if required.
For each new FATIP that comes in, an editor does the following:
- Read the FATIP to check if it is ready: sound and complete. The ideas must make technical sense, even if they don't seem likely to get to final status.
- The title should accurately describe the content.
- Check the FATIP for language (spelling, grammar, sentence structure, etc.), markup (Github flavored Markdown), code style
If the FATIP isn't ready, the editor will send it back to the author for revision, with specific instructions.
Once the FATIP is ready for the repository, the FATIP editor will:
- Assign an FATIP number (generally the PR number or, if preferred by the author, the Issue # if there was discussion in the Issues section of this repository about this FATIP)
- Merge the corresponding pull request
- Send a message back to the FATIP author with the next step.
Many FATIP are written and maintained by developers with write access to the codebases of FAT implementations. The FATIP editors monitor FATIP changes, and correct any structure, grammar, spelling, or markup mistakes they see.
Editors will hold a meeting over voice or text every two weeks to handle both internal and community orders of business.
For the purpose of this document, public shall mean available to any members of the FAT discord. Meeting agendas will be assembled publicly, at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. The meeting will be public, and the time and medium must be publicly announced at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting taking place. Audio or text transcripts of each meeting will be provided for the community, and attendance of editors and community members will be recorded. Each meeting will be 1 hour in length, or until all orders of business have been handled, whichever comes first.
After the aforementioned period expires, 20 minutes are reserved for editors to handle public Q&A if it exists. Editors may remain longer if they wish, however it is not obligatory, and transcripts may or may not be taken.
A FATIP Template is supplied to begin writing your standard.
An informational header containing metadata about the FATIP being submitted, like so:
FATIP | Title | Status | Category | Author | Created |
N | Standard Name | Status | Category | Author Name <[email protected]> | 7-23-2018 |
Once accepted as a draft an editor will assign an official FATIP number.
"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." Provide a simplified and layman-accessible explanation of the FATIP.
Clearly explain why the existing protocol specification is inadequate to address the problem that the FATIP solves. FATIP submissions without sufficient motivation may be rejected outright. What motivated the design and why were particular design decisions made?
The technical specification should describe the syntax and semantics of any new feature. The specification should be detailed enough to allow competing, interoperable implementations for any of the current FAT platforms (fat-js, any future implementations).
The implementations must be completed before any FATIP is given status "Final", but it need not be completed before the FATIP is given status "Accepted". While there is merit to the approach of reaching consensus on the specification and rationale before writing code, the principle of "rough consensus and running code" is still useful when it comes to resolving many discussions of standard details.
The standard must have a copyright section that waives rights according to CC0:
Copyright and related rights waived via
FAT standards can inherit functionality and rules from others. The
<FATIP #> Keyword and Tag denotes feature inheritance on a feature
by feature basis. The author of the FATIP must explain how and what is being
inherited, and if there are any changes being made.
Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.