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Gameplay Alterations

Dylan-George edited this page May 2, 2017 · 3 revisions

Adjusting Player Movement

The input buttons and turn rate can be modified in the Project Settings under Input.

Movement input is handled in the Player blueprint, and the max or min speed can be modified in the movement component in the Player blueprint. The blueprint code provided is generic, and it is recommended to create a seperate blueprint altogether if you want to refine the camera and controller input, especially for VR.

Adjusting Door Interactions

Door behavior is currently defined in the B_Door blueprint. There, the controls to interact with doors can be modified and bugs involving doors can be fixed. The blueprint has a built in animation to rotate the doors which is currently buggy.

How to Add Memories

To add a new memory, create a new blueprint asset that inherits from the MemoryObject blueprint. Add a mesh component to the object set it as the desired model. In the constructor, set the Audio, Video, and Material variables to the desired assets for the memory.

Modifying Object Interaction Routines

Interactions with memory objects is handled in two sections of the Player blueprint. Memories that are created properly will automatically utilize this part of the blueprint. One section handles playing video, and the other handles audio. Depending on whether the version being worked on is in VR, the method that videos are displayed on the screen should be different and that can be modified here. The audio section should not need to be modified.

Building Falling Up For Different Platforms

Falling Up is capable of being built on several platforms, choosable at the time of packaging. However, the different versions will have varying settings, so a repo that allows for multiplatform differences needs to be set up.

Future Additions

Check the issues tab on GitHub to see future additions and bugs to work on.