This repo implements several situations that easily set up Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) algorithms.
The sphere with a number is the moving robot. The square is her goal. A orange diamond is designed as a trap.
pip install -r requirements.txt
usage: [-h] [--agents AGENTS] [--map MAP] [--starts STARTS [STARTS ...]] [--goals GOALS [GOALS ...]] [--randomness RANDOMNESS] [--it IT] [--verbose VERBOSE]
[--vis] [--save SAVE]
Pitfalls for Single-Agent Planning.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--agents AGENTS Specify the number of agents
--map MAP Specify a map
--starts STARTS [STARTS ...]
Specify the starts for each agent, e.g., 2_0 0_2, or simple type `random`
--goals GOALS [GOALS ...]
Specify the goals for each agent, e.g., 5_1 6_4, or simple type `random`
--randomness RANDOMNESS
Specify the extent of randomness of the env
--it IT Specify the number of iterations for MCTS
--verbose VERBOSE Specify the need of showing debug info
--vis Visulize the process
--save SAVE Specify the path to save the animation
Try the following command,
python --agents 1 --map square --starts 7_4 --goals 10_6 --randomness 0.1 --it 10 --vis --verbose 2
You will get the following results,
The planning history
100%|████████████████████████| 10/10 [00:00<00:00, 5561.26it/s] Took 10 simus, lookahead for 2.0 steps Shortest dist to goal: 5 visit counts: [2. 1. 1. 4. 1.] action values: [4.08586096 -inf 3.56281643 4.61154713 3.56281643] eventually took 3 ... T0: start from ((7, 4),) T1: actions: ['down'] locations: ((8, 4),) T2: actions: ['down'] locations: ((9, 4),) T3: actions: ['right'] locations: ((9, 5),) T4: actions: ['down'] locations: ((10, 5),) T5: actions: ['right'] locations: ((10, 6),)
The visualized tree search process
A video showing the eventual pathfinding