The package now got some great sass-configuration-files/mixings available which basically allows the similar functionality as these mixings, and i recommand to use them instead!!!
Mixing used to import multiple icon-fonts in comfortable, configurable way. In example for use-cases like on the foundation font-icons playground-page. ( )
- Was created for importing multiple Foundation Icon-Fonts and tries to solve some of the problems people are having (!topic/foundation-framework-/Jj9zfn-IQbs ) when using the sass import files delivered by the bower-package.
- Can be used to import other icon-fonts in a similar manner
- Testing of icon classes in ie7
- Demo-Page
- Foundation Icons - Download and Install from Github or Foundation Playground. You can also require the Package via Bower if you have it installed in your project.
- (Recommended for Linux/Mac)
- Git - Download and Install Git
- (Recommended for Windows)
- Msysgit - Download and Install Msysgit providing Git and Unix-Shell for Windows
See the Config File, which should be pretty much self-explaining. Basically the names of the icon-styles are matched together with the index the according icons have in the font.
Open your Unix-Shell and change into the directory you want the project to be cloned to and then clone the project to your local drive:
$ git clone
Open the sass-file( like app.scss or styles.scss ) you want the mixings imported to and include the icon-font importers main-file.
@import "./path/to/mixing/sass-icon-font-importer/iconFontImporter";
Then use this scss-snippet to call the mixing to create the the css needed for using the icon-fonts, according to your configuration.
// Imports only foundation social icon-font $icon-fonts-to-import: ( "social" , "general" , "general-enclosed" , "accessability" ); @include icon-font-importer( $icon-fonts-to-import // Collection of font-keys to import , "true" // Enables IE7 support, "false" is default and disables IE7 support );
remove unused font-identifiers from $icon-fonts-to-import collection and the according
css will not be generated at compile time.
* This will create all css needed to use the configured icon-font in a similar manner as seen
on [Zurb Foundation Playground](
## Further usage
* Edit the mixings configuration-file to make it fit your needs, and link to the
font-files located in the original repository-folder.
## License
[MIT License (MIT)](
Copyright (c) 2013 Florian Neumann