Releases: FluBBaOfWard/openhab-addons
Button fixes
This release fixes the button sending and application id updating, also changes the disconnect command to a working connect switch that both can connect and disconnect and shows the current status.
V 0.5.0 [playstation] Better artwork handling
Added fallback to language EN if artwork not found on PS Store.
Better timing
Better timing during startup so you don't have to send another command to log in.
Loggin level for fetch status lowered to debug instead of info.
Better detection of PS3 and some timing adjustments during wake up of PS4.
v0.2.0: [playstation] Fixed up FW version and model name.
First public test release.
Sony PS4 binding
First public version of my PS4 plug-in for OpenHAB.
Release-4: [lghombot] Fixed build.
Fixed some exceptions that made the refresh fail.
Added clean command that incorporates start and home.
Added a map of last cleaned area.
Added weekly schedule information.
HomBot binding
First test release of HomBot Binding