GameTuner MetaData is service that manage various configurations about GameTuner apps (games). With it you can access and manage organisations, apps, events and event schemas. It is written in Python and uses FastAPI framework.
All configurations are stored in PostgreSQL database. Service uses Alembic for database migrations.
In order to run this service you need to have the following installed:
- VSCode
- Dev Containers extension
- Python 3.10+
- Docker
Easiest way to run service locally is to use Visual Studio Code and Dev containers extension. To mount dev container, open the project in VSCode and run Dev Containers: Clone repository in Container Volume...
command (ctrl + shift + P). This will create a new container with all the necessary dependencies installed.
Before first run you need to setup the database. Using next command you can apply all necessary migrations:
alembic upgrade head
Also, you can use other common alembic commands to manage database migrations:
- Revert migrations:
alembic downgrade base
- Add new migration:
alembic revision --autogenerate -m 'Description'
- Connect to database:
psql -U postgres -d metadata -h db
To run the service, use the following command:
export GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT=<gcp-project-id>
uvicorn metadata.main:app --host --port 8002
Also, launch configuration is provided in .vscode/launch.json
file. You can use it to run the service from VSCode.
Metadata service is available on http://localhost:8002
For deploying the application on GCP, you should first build the application by running google cloud build gcloud builds submit --config=cloudbuild.yaml .
. Script submits docker image to GCP artifact registry. Once the image is submitted, you should deploy the application on GCP. You can do that by running terraform script in GameTuner terraform project.
In order to access production service, you need to create ssh tunnel to production VM. First, you need to find the name of the VM:
gcloud compute instances list | grep metadata
Once you have the name and zone of the VM, you can create ssh tunnel using the following command:
gcloud compute ssh --zone "zone-id" "gametuner-metadata-xxxx" --tunnel-through-iap --project "<gcp-project-id>" -- -NL 8002:localhost:8080
Metadata service is available on http://localhost:8002
Every organisation have separate GCP project and it is managed by the service. To add new organisation, you need to add new GCP project in GameTuner terraform metadata client_projects parameter. After that, you need to insert organisation into organisation
table in metadata database. Currently, API endpoint is not provided so you need to add record direclty into the database. For status field, use 'NOT_READY'
Also, you need to add client GCP project permissions by modifying gcp_project_principal
table and update organisation status to 'NEEDS_UPDATE'
Service provides REST API for managing organisations, apps, events and event schemas. You can find the full API documentation on http://localhost:8002/docs
Service uses PostgreSQL database for storing all configurations. You can connect to the database using the following command:
psql -U postgres -d metadata -h localhost
For connecting to production database, there is provided bastion VM and ssh tunnel. In GCP console, you can find the name of the bastion VM (cloudsql-bastion-gametuner-metadata) and use it to create ssh tunnel to the production database. Once you have the tunnel, you can connect to the database using the following command:
The GameTuner MetaData is copyright 2022-2024 AlgebraAI.
GameTuner MetaData is released under the Apache 2.0 License.