The Expense Tracker App is a web-based application that helps users track and manage their expenses effectively. This documentation provides a comprehensive explanation of the website for the Expense Tracker App, including its features, functionalities, and overall structure.
1. Purpose:
The website serves as the primary interface for users to access the Expense Tracker App. It aims to provide an intuitive and user-friendly experience, enabling users to easily track and analyse their expenses, set budget goals, and gain insights into their spending habits.
2. Homepage:
The homepage serves as the landing page for the website. It typically includes the following sections:
- Header: Contains the app logo, navigation menu, and create account buttons.
- Call-to-Action: Prompts users create an account to start using the app.
3. Dashboard
After logging in, users are directed to the dashboard, which is the central hub for managing expenses. The dashboard contains
- Budget Tracker: The app supports categorizing expenses into different categories (e.g., Food, Transportation, Entertainment) and assigning tags for better organization. Users can create custom categories or use predefined ones to ensure accurate tracking and analysis.
- Expense Tracker: Allows users to add, categorize, and edit expenses according to the budgets.
- Visualization: Provides visual representations of spending patterns through tables.
- Budget History: Displays a list of added budgets
- Expenses History: Displays a list of past transactions, including date, amount, and category.
The app also shows the individual overview of each budget category which includes the details like money allotted and spent, and also about the expenses and expenditure of the respective budget.
4. Deleting Credentials
If the user wishes to desist using our app or wishes to delete their info, they can click on “delete user” button which is available at every page that erases the user’s credentials and also their saved expenditure tracking.