CMTL(Computational Mathematics Tool Library)
Currently includes some geometric data structures and geometric algorithms, such as geometry shape, half-edge data structure. Geometry section is a template-based and header-only library, that you just need to include to use
for example:
#include "CMTL/geometry_process/lawson_flip.h"
#include "CMTL/io/surface_mesh/read_obj.h"
#include "CMTL/io/surface_mesh/write_obj.h"
typedef CMTL::geo2d::SurfaceMesh<double> SurfaceMesh;
int main()
SurfaceMesh sm;
CMTL::io::read_obj(sm, "leaf.obj");
CMTL::io::write_obj(sm, "before_lawson_flip.obj");
CMTL::io::write_obj(sm, "after_lawson_flip.obj");
compile it using the following command
g++ lawson_flip_test.cpp -o lawson_flip_test -I PATH/TO/SRC
if you use the rational number class, for example mpq_class, link the gmp
g++ lawson_flip_test.cpp -o lawson_flip_test -I PATH/TO/SRC -lgmp -lgmpxx