Releases: GopeedLab/gopeed
Releases · GopeedLab/gopeed
v1.6.11 🌈
🪟 Windows | EXE |
amd64 | 📥 |
Portable |
amd64 | 📥 | |
🍎 MacOS | DMG |
universal | 📥 |
🐧 Linux | Flathub |
amd64 | 📥 |
amd64 | 📥 | |
amd64 | 📥 | |
arm64 | 📥 | ||
AppImage |
amd64 | 📥 | |
arm64 | 📥 | ||
🤖 Android | APK |
universal | 📥 |
armeabi-v7a | 📥 | ||
arm64-v8a | 📥 | ||
x86_64 | 📥 | ||
📱 iOS | IPA |
universal | 📥 |
🐳 Docker | - | universal | 📥 |
💾 Qnap | QPKG |
amd64 | 📥 |
arm64 | 📥 | ||
🌐 Web | Windows |
amd64 | 📥 |
arm64 | 📥 | ||
386 | 📥 | ||
MacOS |
amd64 | 📥 | |
arm64 | 📥 | ||
Linux |
amd64 | 📥 | |
arm64 | 📥 | ||
386 | 📥 |
Release notes
🆕 Features
- feat: web http file server caching and gzip support @monkeyWie (#961)
- feat: auto updater @monkeyWie (#933)
- feat: improve http download retry strategy @monkeyWie (#951)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- fix: http download size exceeds file size @monkeyWie (#959)
- fix: web auth priority when api token and basic auth coexist @monkeyWie (#960)
- fix: can not open url encode torrent file path @monkeyWie (#945)
- fix: path url encode filename parse @monkeyWie (#939)
- fix: windows title bar theme switch @crazy-zxx (#936)
- ci: apk build split abi @monkeyWie (#962)
- ci: fix flathub build error @pugaizai (#937)
- ci: add linux arm64 build @pugaizai (#935)
🌎 Internationalization
- feat: Add Hungarian languages @Internetezoo (#940)
🆕 新特性
- feat: web http 文件服务添加缓存和压缩支持 @monkeyWie (#961)
- feat: 应用内自动更新 @monkeyWie (#933)
- feat: 改善 http 下载重试策略 @monkeyWie (#951)
🐛 Bug 修复
- fix: http 下载超出文件大小 @monkeyWie (#959)
- fix: web 鉴权优先级调整 @monkeyWie (#960)
- fix: 不能打开url编码的种子文件路径 @monkeyWie (#945)
- fix: url编码的文件名解析 @monkeyWie (#939)
- fix: windows 标题栏主题切换 @crazy-zxx (#936)
- ci: apk 根据cpu架构单独打包 @monkeyWie (#962)
- ci: 修复 flathub 构建问题 @pugaizai (#937)
- ci: 添加 linux arm64 支持 @pugaizai (#935)
🌎 国际化
- feat: 添加匈牙利语 @Internetezoo (#940)
v1.6.10 🌈
🪟 Windows | EXE |
amd64 | 📥 |
Portable |
amd64 | 📥 | |
🍎 MacOS | DMG |
universal | 📥 |
🐧 Linux | Flathub |
amd64 | 📥 |
amd64 | 📥 | |
amd64 | 📥 | |
AppImage |
amd64 | 📥 | |
🤖 Android | APK |
universal | 📥 |
📱 iOS | IPA |
universal | 📥 |
🐳 Docker | - | universal | 📥 |
💾 Qnap | QPKG |
amd64 | 📥 |
arm64 | 📥 | ||
🌐 Web | Windows |
amd64 | 📥 |
arm64 | 📥 | ||
386 | 📥 | ||
MacOS |
amd64 | 📥 | |
arm64 | 📥 | ||
Linux |
amd64 | 📥 | |
arm64 | 📥 | ||
386 | 📥 |
Release notes
🐛 Bug Fixes
- fix: gopeed scheme safe url params @monkeyWie (#932)
- fix: http MIME encoded word filename parse @monkeyWie (#931)
- fix: web white screen @monkeyWie (#908)
📖 Document
- docs: improve download links @monkeyWie (#913)
🌎 Internationalization
- feat: improve Turkish Locales @mikropsoft (#917)
- feat: add ukraine language @monkeyWie (#909)
🐛 Bug 修复
- fix: gopeed 协议安全的链接参数 @monkeyWie (#932)
- fix: http MIME 编码名称解析 @monkeyWie (#931)
- fix: web 白屏修复 @monkeyWie (#908)
📖 文档
- docs: 改进下载链接列表 @monkeyWie (#913)
🌎 国际化
- feat: 改善土耳其语言 @mikropsoft (#917)
- feat: 添加乌克兰语言 @monkeyWie (#909)
v1.6.9 🌈
🪟 Windows | EXE |
amd64 | 📥 |
Portable |
amd64 | 📥 | |
🍎 MacOS | DMG |
universal | 📥 |
🐧 Linux | Flathub |
amd64 | 📥 |
amd64 | 📥 | |
amd64 | 📥 | |
AppImage |
amd64 | 📥 | |
🤖 Android | APK |
universal | 📥 |
📱 iOS | IPA |
universal | 📥 |
🐳 Docker | - | universal | 📥 |
💾 Qnap | QPKG |
amd64 | 📥 |
arm64 | 📥 | ||
🌐 Web | Windows |
amd64 | 📥 |
arm64 | 📥 | ||
386 | 📥 | ||
MacOS |
amd64 | 📥 | |
arm64 | 📥 | ||
Linux |
amd64 | 📥 | |
arm64 | 📥 | ||
386 | 📥 |
Release notes
🆕 Features
- feat: update android target sdk to 34 @monkeyWie (#902)
- feat: support tcp protocol on android @monkeyWie (#903)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- fix: advanced options used by default when creating task @monkeyWie (#901)
- fix: firefox native host integration @monkeyWie (#895)
🆕 Features
- feat: 升级 android target sdk 至 34 @monkeyWie (#902)
- feat: 安卓支持 TCP 协议 @monkeyWie (#903)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- fix: 创建任务默认传递高级选项参数 @monkeyWie (#901)
- fix: 火狐浏览器扩展集成 @monkeyWie (#895)
v1.6.8 🌈
新年快乐,祝大家 2025 年资源下载畅通无阻!🥳
🪟 Windows | EXE |
amd64 | 📥 |
Portable |
amd64 | 📥 | |
🍎 MacOS | DMG |
universal | 📥 |
🐧 Linux | Flathub |
amd64 | 📥 |
amd64 | 📥 | |
amd64 | 📥 | |
AppImage |
amd64 | 📥 | |
🤖 Android | APK |
universal | 📥 |
📱 iOS | IPA |
universal | 📥 |
🐳 Docker | - | universal | 📥 |
💾 Qnap | QPKG |
amd64 | 📥 |
arm64 | 📥 | ||
🌐 Web | Windows |
amd64 | 📥 |
arm64 | 📥 | ||
386 | 📥 | ||
MacOS |
amd64 | 📥 | |
arm64 | 📥 | ||
Linux |
amd64 | 📥 | |
arm64 | 📥 | ||
386 | 📥 |
Release notes
🆕 Features
- feat: browser extensions native messaging host @monkeyWie (#890)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- fix: handle share links @monkeyWie (#883)
- ci: fix linux package @monkeyWie (#882)
- ci: qnap separate build @monkeyWie (#877)
🆕 新特性
- feat: 浏览器扩展原生通信 @monkeyWie (#890)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- fix: 处理分享链接 @monkeyWie (#883)
- ci: linux 构建 @monkeyWie (#882)
- ci: qnap 单独构建 @monkeyWie (#877)
v1.6.7 🌈
🪟 Windows | EXE |
amd64 | 📥 |
Portable |
amd64 | 📥 | |
🍎 MacOS | DMG |
universal | 📥 |
🐧 Linux | Flathub |
amd64 | 📥 |
amd64 | 📥 | |
amd64 | 📥 | |
AppImage |
amd64 | 📥 | |
🤖 Android | APK |
universal | 📥 |
📱 iOS | IPA |
universal | 📥 |
🐳 Docker | - | universal | 📥 |
💾 Qnap | QPKG |
amd64 | 📥 |
arm64 | 📥 | ||
🌐 Web | Windows |
amd64 | 📥 |
arm64 | 📥 | ||
386 | 📥 | ||
MacOS |
amd64 | 📥 | |
arm64 | 📥 | ||
Linux |
amd64 | 📥 | |
arm64 | 📥 | ||
386 | 📥 |
Release notes
🆕 Features
- feat: support creating tasks using gopeed scheme @monkeyWie (#876)
- feat: support custom http request headers @monkeyWie (#868)
- feat: magnet scheme deep link and file associations @monkeyWie (#866)
- feat: update flutter to v3.24 @monkeyWie (#865)
- feat: improve file_tree_view display on mobile @monkeyWie (#862)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- fix: windows uninstall icon @monkeyWie (#875)
- fix: not disabling the context menu on the browser @monkeyWie (#861)
🆕 Features
- feat: 支持通过 gopeed 协议唤醒和创建任务 @monkeyWie (#876)
- feat: 支持自定义 http 请求头 @monkeyWie (#868)
- feat: 支持 magnet 协议深度链接和 torrent 文件关联 @monkeyWie (#866)
- feat: 升级 flutter 版本至 v3.24 @monkeyWie (#865)
- feat: 改善文件选择器在移动端的显示效果 @monkeyWie (#862)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- fix: windows 卸载图标展示 @monkeyWie (#875)
- fix: 没有禁用浏览器的右键菜单 @monkeyWie (#861)
v1.6.6 🌈
Release notes
🆕 Features
- feat: batch operation task @monkeyWie (#860)
- feat: file tree view responsive support @monkeyWie (#856)
- feat: add batch create tips @monkeyWie (#858)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- fix: some torrents can not resovle @monkeyWie (#857)
🆕 新特性
- feat: 批量操作任务 @monkeyWie (#860)
- feat: 文件选择器响应式支持 @monkeyWie (#856)
- feat: 添加批量创建任务提示文案 @monkeyWie (#858)
🐛 Bug 修复
- fix: 部分种子无法解析 @monkeyWie (#857)
v1.6.5 🌈
Release notes
🆕 Features
- feat: improve file select tree view @monkeyWie (#853)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- fix: failed to delete a running task @monkeyWie (#852)
- fix: http download retries too many times @monkeyWie (#849)
- fix: extension task missing fields @monkeyWie (#850)
🔧 Performance Improvements
- perf: extension onStart hook will block task create @monkeyWie (#844)
🆕 新特性
- feat: 改善文件选择器 @monkeyWie (#853)
🐛 Bug 修复
- fix: 无法删除运行中的任务 @monkeyWie (#852)
- fix: http下载重试次数过多 @monkeyWie (#849)
- fix: 扩展任务缺少字段 @monkeyWie (#850)
🔧 性能改善
- perf: 扩展 onStart 钩子阻塞任务创建 @monkeyWie (#844)
v1.6.4 🌈
Release notes
🆕 Features
🐛 Bug Fixes
- fix: extension modifed the request header cause HTTP fetch crash @monkeyWie (#832)
🔧 Performance Improvements
- perf: write to disk only when progress updated @monkeyWie (#839)
🆕 新特性
🐛 Bug 修复
- fix: 扩展修改请求头导致崩溃的问题 @monkeyWie (#832)
🔧 性能改善
- perf: 仅在有进度更新的时候才写入磁盘 @monkeyWie (#839)
v1.6.3 🌈
Release notes
🐛 Bug Fixes
- fix: windows location fix patch not effect @monkeyWie (#819)
- fix: revert flutter version to v3.16.8 @monkeyWie (#821)
🐛 Bug 修复
- fix: windows 地理位置权限申请补丁不生效的问题 @monkeyWie (#819)
- fix: 回滚 flutter 版本至 v3.16.8 @monkeyWie (#821)
v1.6.2 🌈
Release notes
🆕 Features
- feat(http): add option to skip SSL certificate verification @doraemonkeys (#801)
- feat: upgrade flutter to v3.24.3 @monkeyWie (#791)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- fix: android build on go 1.23 @monkeyWie (#813)
- fix: use golang 1.23 standard library to collect crash logs @monkeyWie (#807)
- fix: proxy config reload panic @monkeyWie (#808)
- fix: download path in docker-compose.yml @monkeyWie (#798)
- fix: avoid request location permisson on windows @monkeyWie (#787)
🆕 Features
- feat(http): 添加跳过 SSL 校验选项 @doraemonkeys (#801)
- feat: 升级 flutter 版本到 v3.24.3 @monkeyWie (#791)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- fix: go 1.23 版本上的安卓构建 @monkeyWie (#813)
- fix: 使用 golang 1.23 标准库收集崩溃日志 @monkeyWie (#807)
- fix: 代理配置重载崩溃 @monkeyWie (#808)
- fix: 修复 docker-compose.yml 下载目录 @monkeyWie (#798)
- fix: 避免在 windows 上请求位置权限 @monkeyWie (#787)