docker build . -t blx_backend
if docker fails to build because rust version is out of date replace:
RUN . $HOME/.cargo/env && rustup default nightly
RUN . $HOME/.cargo/env && rustup update && rustup default nightly
make sure to replace postgres://databaseurl/database
with the actual database credentials provided.
docker run --rm -e PG_POOL_SIZE=1 -e PG_URL=postgres://databaseurl/database -p 8000:8000 blx_backend
when accessed return .json
front end usage:
curl localhost:8000/apn/317053
returns = {
pub apn_chr: Option<String>,
pub apn: Option<i64>,
pub geometry: Option<String>,
pub object_id: Option<i64>,
pub agency_name: Option<String>,
pub agency_unique_id: Option<i64>,
pub dwr_revise: Option<String>,
pub region: Option<String>,
pub acres: Option<f64>,
pub county: Option<String>,
pub crop2016: Option<String>,
pub id: i32,
chain usage:
curl localhost:8000/apn/chain/317053
returns = {
pub apn: Option<i64>,
pub agency_name: Option<String>,
- Project uses Rocket, Postgres, and R2D2 crates.
- Endpoint definitions are found in
- Database access is found in
- Project is initialised in
and - To add new endpoints, follow the format found in
- To add more DB methods, follow the format found in
- To create model mappings, follow the format found in