Shaolin(Structure Helper for dAshbOard LINking) is an ipywidgets based framework that allows to create interactive dashboards that can be linked with each other to build complex applications.
Its still in a alpha alpha version, the beta version will be realeased before 17 july.
Installation: pip install shaolin.
This package is a few months old and has only been tested by me. Everything should work with medium size data (Pandas and plotting using the svg backend instead of WebGL). If you plan on using shaolin for business please contact me.
- six
- numpy
- pandas
- planarity
- networkx
- bokeh
- seaborn
- vpython
- plotly
- cufflinks
The documentation is located in the examples folder.
This framework is build on top of standard pydata libraries like pandas and numpy and uses only the ipywidgets package for the interface management, although shaolin provides a simplified interface that extends the ipywidgets capabilities.
Shaolin has a simplified syntax that allows to program dashboards consisting on multiple widgets more quickly.
It is possible to combine multiple dashboards into a new one in order to perform complex tasks like data analysis or plotting.
You can load and save the state of a dashboard easily with no additional effort.
Modify any visual property of a dashboard interactively using widgets.
Shaolin comes batteries included with Dashboard created for performing various standard data analysis tasks that you can use as a base to build your own applications.
Use a colormap picker capable of creating any matplotlib and seaborn colormap or palette.
Plot an interactive bokeh scatter plot with tooltips from any pandas DataFrame, Panel or Panel4D. You will be able to modify any visual property of the plot with just a few clicks. I bet you wont need to program another scatter plot after trying this ;)
We have dashboards that map the networkx interface to calculate any graph metric, any graph layout and the capability of converting time series correlation matrices into graphs. You will also be able to plot any graph using the networkx capabilities in a fully customizable bokeh plot.
- [Shaolin GraphCalculator tutorial] (
- [Shaolin Bokeh GraphPlot tutorial] (
Widgets for slicing any pandas structure or numpy array.
###plot mappers These Dashboards provide everything you need to create new interactive plots with almost no code.
Define a custom plot layout using widgets and use the cufflinks library with a pandas DataFrame without writing a single line of code.
I hope most of there are available in the beta release.
It will extend the capabilities of the GraphCalculator for making interactive animated graphs in real time. This is really usefull for visualizing correlation matrix time series.
Compatibility for mapping data to interactive matplotlib plots using MplD3.