Jessica Butler, Frank Popham, Sharon Gordon, Raul Berocal Martin, Irmina Zborowska, Corri Black
The aim of this study to describe annual trends in bedded intermediate-level healthcare use in older people across in NHS Grampian for the five-year period 2018 and 2023, and to examine differences in use between sub-populations and service providers. The goal of the research is to answer the following questions:
- Who receives bed-based intermediate care in Grampian?
- What proportion of intermediate care is preventative (“step-up”)?
- What are the medical needs of the patients?
- Has these measures changed over time?
- Are there differences in these measures across care locations?
Using anonymised, population-scale, individual-level linked NHS and government data, the objectives of this study are to:
- Describe the incidence of intermediate care use in people age 50+ in the NHS Grampian region
- Describe patient pathways into intermediate care in people age 50+ in the NHS Grampian region over time
- Measure differences in intermediate care population and pathways into care between service providers
- Measure differences in intermediate care population and pathways into care by patient medical acuity
- Measure difference in intermediate care population and pathways by patient demographics
For more information, please see our final report.