CRUD i.e Create, Read, Update and Delete operations using Php and Mysql database
#Step 1 To run this php porject you should have a local server installed on your system whether it is xampp, lampp, wampp. Once the server is installed.
#Step 2 Then run the apache and MySQL server
#Step 3 Then type localhost/phpmyadmin in your browser and then create database
#Step 4 Then create table inside the database
#Step 5 Then go to this path i.e. C:\xampp\htdocs and then inside htdocs, create a folder that belongs to your project name and put all the php files inside the project folder.
#Step 6 Once the above mentioned steps are done then run the project by typing localhost/projectname/display.php //Note "instead of projectname you type the name of project name which you have given in step5.
//I hope you will definitely like this small project//